How To Do the Middle Splits

Talia Sutra doing Middle Splits on the floor

If learning how to do the Middle Splits feels impossible to you, have no fear — our Middle Splits Stretch Guide is here (along with yoga expert Talia Sutra). Many people find this wide-open version of Front Splits to be even more difficult, but the method remains the same: consistency and patience. Though you might feel like you’re miles away from a comfortable Middle Split, it takes consistent effort and daily practice to reach this coveted hip opener, but it’s well worth it when you arrive. You’ll be hugging the floor in no time. 

When it comes to Middle Splits, it’s all about external hip rotation. Sutra has outlined the best warm-up stretches for Middle Splits to open your hips, as well as a tutorial on how to do the Middle Splits no matter where you are in your flexibility. Practice these stretches often and prepare to see your progress soar! Another note: Don’t be discouraged if it takes a while — the worst thing you can do is force the stretch before you’re ready and warmed up. Take your time and approach your Middle Splits flexibility practice with patience and ease. 

Prefer to practice along with a video? Check out the 3 best online classes to get you into Middle Splits on Alo Moves. Start free with a 14-day trial. 


Warm-Up Stretches for Middle Splits 


How To Do the Middle Splits

  1. Facing the long edge of your mat, step your feet out as wide as they’ll go, bring your hands to your hips, and lower your upper body down until your hands are on blocks or the floor. 

  2. Begin to shift your hips back and forth, easing into the stretch. 

  3. Pigeon toe your feet inward so your inner arch and outer foot are both on the floor. Engage the fronts of your thighs and pull your kneecaps up toward your hips. Stay on your hands or begin to sink your hips as low as you can toward the floor. 

  4. Continue rocking back and forth, and when you’re ready, come into stillness.  

  5. To come out of Middle Splits from a standing position, take your hands to your hips and slowly stand up. To come out of Middle Splits from the floor, walk your hands close to your body and lift your torso upright, carefully bringing your legs together. 

Feeling frustrated with your Middle Splits? Take this advice from Talia Sutra to heart:

If you’re meeting a lot of resistance, remember, don’t be fooled into thinking that’s who you are. The resistance is there so you can face it. Don’t become too identified with it.

How To Do the Middle Splits at the Wall 

For a more passive straddle position at the wall, lie down facing the wall and bring yourself up to the edge, stretching your legs up the wall. Separate your legs out wide and open them up to the Straddle position. The wall acts as a support and you can allow gravity to do all of the work. If you’d like to intensify the stretch, you can add ankle weights to your ankles.  


Want to practice this along with audio and visual guidance? Check out Talia Sutra’s External Rotation video and work up to Middle Splits on Alo Moves free with a 14-day trial.