3 Classes to Get You Into Middle Splits

Talia Sutra leading a class in middle splits

We’ve been getting a lot of questions lately in our Alo Moves Facebook group about the coveted Middle Splits (also called Center Splits), so today we’re talking about what Middle Splits are, the benefits, and three Alo Moves classes to help you practice getting into it. As you practice, remember to take it slow without forcing anything and enjoy the journey. Middle splits take time to achieve, but watching your progress unfold over time is worth the wait and effort.

What Are Middle Splits?
Middle splits are when your legs extend out from your body, forming a 180-degree angle with your torso. In the full expression, your ankles, knees, and hips are aligned.

Benefits of Doing Middle Splits

  • Stretches and lengthens your hips, thighs, and groin

  • Opens your hips and hip flexors

  • Improves joint health, flexibility and balance

  • Prevents injury and can reduce pain

How to Do Middle Splits

  1. Come into a Wide Forward Fold with your hands resting on the mat. Take your legs out to the side as far as they can go. 

  2. Pigeon toe your feet so your inner arch and outer foot are both on the floor. When you feel ready, stay on your hands or a block and pull up on your knees, or lower onto your elbows. It’s helpful to gently rock your hips back and forth to settle in.

  3. When it becomes available to you, sink your hips down as low to the floor as possible. Continue rocking back and forth with your hips.

  4. Finally, come into stillness. Pull up with your knees and engage the fronts of your thighs.

  5. You can also practice Middle Splits against a wall, letting your glutes rest on the wall and taking your legs out wide.

Three Classes to Get You Into Middle Splits

External Rotation with Talia Sutra
Intermediate | Level 2

Talia Sutra teaching External Rotation

If you’re a visual learner, you’ll love how this class demonstrates each move with three people of varying flexibility. This class is ideal for those who have been working on their flexibility but still need a slower pace and could benefit from using a wall for support while they stretch.

Flow With It with Ashley Galvin
Intermediate | Level 3


Awaken from the inside out in this invigorating vinyasa class aimed at strengthening your core through challenging plank variations, twists, and folds. You’ll end the class with a relaxing guided meditation in Savasana to help you unwind and cool down.

Melini Jesudason teaching Dynamic Flexibility

If you already consider yourself quite flexible but want to perfect your technique, this is the class for you. Each move will help you achieve a deep stretch that opens your groin, thighs, and hips and prepares your body for achieving Straddle and Middle Splits.

Looking for more ways to practice the Splits? Check out our Stretch Into Splits playlist on Alo Moves with a 14-day free trial.

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