Pose Breakdown: Cobra

Cobra Pose done by Caley Alyssa

Start opening your heart. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) is a gentle backbend that helps warm up your spine for the practice ahead — or a nice, soft counter to a forward bend. This beginner-friendly pose often swaps in for Upward Facing Dog during Sun Salutations, especially at the beginning of practice. Because it gently loosens your spine, it’s also a great first step when you’re warming up for bigger backbends, even advanced ones — a prep for your prep, if you will.

You’re in the driver’s seat for this mellow movement, so pop up as much or as little as your spine allows. If this pose is too much for your hands and wrists, or if you want to be supported closer to the ground, you can always come onto your forearms for Sphinx Pose.

Benefits of Cobra Pose

  • Opens your chest and shoulders

  • Strengthens and gently loosens your spine

  • Stretches your shoulders, abdomen, and chest

  • Relieves stress


Avoid this pose if you’re pregnant or have spinal injuries. Talk to your doctor or use appropriate modifications if you have shoulder, hip, or wrist injuries.


Warm-Up Poses for Cobra Pose


How to Do Cobra Pose

  1. Lie down on your belly with your forehead or chin on your mat.

  2. Place your hands on your mat shoulder-distance apart.

  3. Engage your core and draw your shoulders together.

  4. Press into your palms to raise your head and chest.

  5. Press the tops of your feet into your mat.

  6. Arch your neck back and gaze in front of you or slightly upward.

Follow Up Poses for Cobra Pose

Bhujangasana Meaning

“Bhujanga” means “snake” or “serpent,” and “asana” means “posture” or “seat” — so it translates to “Snake Pose.”

This pose dates back to the Gheranda Samhita, one of the three foundational texts of Hatha Yoga, likely published in the late 17th century. Here’s how the text describes the pose’s effects, as translated by James Mallinson in 2004: “Through practice of Bhujangasana, the physical fire increases steadily, all diseases are destroyed, and the Serpent Goddess awakens.”

Tap into some powerful backbends with Kayla Nielsen’s Deepen Your Backbend series, available for free with a 14-day trial to Alo Moves.