5 Half Moon Variations to Test Your Balance

On the list of humbling yoga poses, Half Moon Pose is definitely up there. It combines the balance challenge of standing on one foot with the hip and shoulder opening of a pose like Triangle. There are a lot of things to consider when setting up this pose, so we recommend checking out Briohny Smyth’s detailed Half Moon Pose tutorial for more info.

Once you’ve got the basics down, there are a ton of ways to go from there, such as a creative transition into a different pose or a different variation of Half Moon. If you’re feeling strong and open in your body and are looking to deepen the challenge in Half Moon, check out these Half Moon variations and learn how to put them into practice. We also suggest Alo Moves classes that work the pose into the sequence.

1. Half Moon with a Block

Calvin Corzine in Half Moon pose

This is a great modification for Half Moon Pose and serves as a building block to help you feel the proper alignment and give yourself support if you want to try any other variation shown below. If you don’t have a yoga block at home, there are several yoga prop substitutes you can use in its place. 

To practice Half Moon with a block, face the long left edge of your mat. Turn your right foot down to face the top of your mat and place the block down in front of you, slightly off to the right. Bend your front knee and take your right hand down to the block — think of it as a kickstand. Lift your left leg up, firm your right hip, and press down through the ball of your right foot. Place your left hand on your left hip or reach your arm up. Reach through your left leg and turn your left big toe down slightly. Keep your right side waist long and your lifted leg fired up. To test your balance and gradually move away from the block, you can try balancing one finger on the block or letting your fingers hover over it.

Practice this class: Half Moon Builder with Calvin Corzine

2. Sugarcane Pose

Alo Moves user in Sugar Cane pose

Sugarcane Pose is just as sweet as it sounds once you can find that point of balance. In addition to strengthening your body like Half Moon does, you get that nice added quad stretch that can feel great after a day of walking, running, or brisk activity.

To come into Sugarcane Pose, first find a solid base in Half Moon. From there, bend your top leg, reaching your heel into your glutes. Reach back with your top hand to grab the top of your lifted foot and breathe to find balance.

Practice this class: Power Hour with Ashley Galvin

3. Revolved Half Moon

Alo Moves user in Revolved Half Moon pose

It's Half Moon with a twist. Make sure you’ve warmed up your legs and spine before attempting this one on the mat. We also recommend a block for those who are starting out.

To enter Revolved Half Moon Pose, begin in Revolved Chair Pose twisting to face the left. Bring your right hand down to the mat or a block, then lift your right leg and left arm high. Keep your hips level with the floor, turn your lifted toes down, and ensure your standing foot and knee are pointing forward. Lengthen your spine and breathe.

Practice this class: You and the Mat with Ashley Galvin

4. Bound Revolved Half Moon

Ashley Galvin in Bound Revolved Half Moon pose

Bound Revolved Half Moon (also known as Revolved Half Moon Bow) is the perfect transition from your Revolved Half Moon with the added quad stretch of Sugarcane Pose. Begin in Revolved Half Moon Pose with your right leg down and left leg lifted. Bend your lifted leg and reach up with your right arm to grab hold of the top of your foot. Keep your hips square and core strong.

5. Bound Half Moon

Naya Rappaport in Bound Half Moon pose

Also called Bound Standing Split, Bound Half Moon is a deep shoulder and hip opener and a fun yoga bind to work up to.

Check out our in-depth tutorial of Bound Half Moon, as well as the perfect prep poses to get you into it.

Practice this class: Brahmacharya: Conserve Your Energy with Naya Rappaport

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