Fun Pose Friday: Revolved Half Moon

Ashley Galvin in Revolved Half Moon Pose

Take Half Moon Pose and upgrade it to its twistier celestial sister, Revolved Half Moon Pose (Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana). This standing pose, a variation of Half Moon, involves rotating your torso, which stimulates the abdominal organs. It also opens your chest as you elongate and extend your arms, and hones your focus as you find your balance. Once you’ve mastered the stability required of this pose, you’ll reap its heavenly reward: energy radiating from your core and extending out to your limbs.

Benefits of Revolved Half Moon

  • Improves your balance and coordination

  • Relieves stress and anxiety

  • Stimulates the digestive organs

  • Strengthens the core, ankles, thighs, and lower back

  • Builds stamina and focus

Prep Poses for Revolved Half Moon






How to Do Revolved Half Moon pose

  1. Start in a Forward Fold, placing your left hand on your sacrum, and your right fingertips on the floor.

  2. Extend your right leg out behind you, rooting your left foot into your mat and squeezing your inner thighs together.

  3. Raise your left arm to the sky, ensuring it’s below the left shoulder, and slowly twist your torso to the left.

How To Modify Revolved Half Moon pose

  • Avoid practicing Revolved Half Moon if you have a back injury, sciatica, low blood pressure, or if you’re pregnant.

  • For extra stability as you find your balance, rest your bottom hand on a block. 

  • You can also opt to extend your back leg, planting your heel against a wall. 

  • If you have neck pain or an injury, look straight ahead instead of twisting your neck.

Practice Revolved Half Moon in 7-Day Detox with Ashley Galvin on Alo Moves. Start your free 14-day trial today.