Fun Pose Friday: Bound Standing Split

Naya Rappaport in Bound Standing Split

We’re all about yoga binds here at Alo Moves, and one of our favorite peak binding yoga poses is Bound Standing Split (also called Bound Half Moon). Make no mistake — it is challenging and requires a considerable amount of balance, flexibility, and strength. But when coupled with the right preparatory poses and a healthy dose of “why not,” this is sure to be a fun addition to your next vinyasa yoga practice.

Make sure you warm up your shoulders, hips, and hamstrings with poses like Wide-Knee Child’s Pose with a tricep stretch, Single-Leg Down Dog hip circles, High Lunge, Half Split and Standing Split, and Bound Side Angle.

Learn how to do Bound Standing Split with Alo Moves yoga instructor Naya Rappaport:

How to Do Bound Standing Split

  1. Begin in Side Angle Pose and take a full bind by wrapping your top arm behind your back, lowering your bottom arm underneath your front thigh, and reaching around to clasp both hands.

  2. Look down and heel-toe your back foot forward until you can shift your weight into your front leg. 

  3. Begin to lift your back foot off the ground, pressing into your standing big toe and drawing your navel to your spine. Reach your lifted leg as high as you comfortably can.

  4. To come out, release your lifted leg down and find a yogi squat, releasing the bind with your arms. Repeat on the other side.

    Feeling extra open and flowy today? After lowering your leg, move right into Bird of Paradise pose!

 Bound Standing Split Benefits

  • Opens your chest and shoulders

  • Strengthens your core and legs

  • Stretches back, hamstrings, and calves

  • Improves your balance

Want to put it into practice? Flow into Bound Standing Split with Naya Rappaport’s Brahmacharya: Conserve Your Energy yoga class. Try this class and more for free with a 14-day trial to Alo Moves.