20 Side Plank Variations to Step Up Your Practice

Briohny Smyth in Side Plank with bottom knee bent

In search of some fun Side Plank variations to amp up the sweat factor? Look no further. We rounded up 20 of our favorite Side Plank modifications and challenging variations to inspire you to add something a little extra to your yoga sequence. 

Side Plank is one of our favorite poses to practice because of how versatile it is. In addition to being a strength builder for your wrists, upper body, and core, it’s also a balance challenge and a fun transition between other poses. And the more you practice it, the easier it will become — we promise.

Add some Side Plank play into your day with these fun pose variations:

Claudine Lafond doing Side Plank with a weight in her top hand
  1. Side Plank (Vasisthasana)

We can’t get enough of a classic. Learn how to do Vasisthasana with this step-by-step Side Plank tutorial. Add a weight in your top hand to make it more challenging!

Kayla Nielsen doing Side Plank with Leg Lift

2. Side Plank with Leg Lift

Once you find a solid Side Plank, lift your top leg and flex or point your lifted foot. This is a great preparatory pose to lead the transition to other poses such as High Lunge.


Tela Anderson doing Side Plank with a Side Stretch

3. Side Plank with Side Stretch

From your Side Plank, reach your top arm toward the front of your mat for a nice side stretch. Activate through your fingers.


Kayla Nielsen doing Side Plank with Big Toe Hold

4. Side Plank with Big Toe Hold (Eka Pada Vasisthasana)

Come to Side Plank with Leg Lift, then bend your top leg. Use your top arm to grab the outer edge of your top foot or big toe and extend your leg forward. From there, lift your leg straight up.



5. Side Plank with Bound Half-Lotus Leg (Kasyapasana)

After warming up your core, shoulders, and hips, come to Downward Dog. Come into Half Lotus with your legs by using your left hand to place your right foot into your left hip crease. Wind your left arm behind your back and grab hold of your bound right foot. Spiral open to face the left in Side Plank.


Naya Rappaport doing Forearm Side Plank with Tree Pose Legs

6. Side Plank with Tree Legs

Come into Side Plank with Leg Lift, then place the sole of your top-leg foot into the inner thigh of your bottom leg. Your top knee will spiral up toward the sky. Feel free to rest your top hand on your top thigh. You can also take this pose in Forearm Side Plank as shown.

7. Eagle Leg Side Plank

Take flight in this fun Eagle-leg variation of Side Plank with this step-by-step tutorial.

8. Figure 4 Side Plank

Open your hips with this fun variation on Side Plank. Start in Side Plank with Tree Legs, then slide your bent-leg foot over to rest on top of your other thigh. This is a fun pose to transition from and into Downward Dog with Figure 4 Legs.

Jacy Cunningham doing Forearm Side Plank

9. Forearm Side Plank

Come to Plank Pose and lower down to your forearms. Open up your body to face the left side of your mat and stretch your left arm up to the sky.


Emily Sferra in a Modified Side Plank Pose

10. Modified Side Plank with Knee Down

From Tabletop Pose, stretch your left leg back and spin onto the inner edge of your back foot, facing the left side of your mat with your right knee and right hand down. Stretch your left arm high. You can also lift your top leg for added challenge or lower your bottom arm to your forearm.


11. Modified Side Plank with One Foot on Floor

From Plank Pose, step your right foot back halfway on the mat and turn both feet to face the right side of your mat. You’ll end up in Side Plank with your left hand down, right arm up, and right knee and right toes pointing to the right side of your mat. Press down into both feet and lift your hips high.

12. Fallen Triangle

Come to Single-Leg Down Dog and draw your right knee toward your left elbow. Kick your right leg out to the left side, and spin onto the pinky toe edge of your right foot and big-toe edge of your back foot. Press your right hand down and stretch your left arm up as you face the left side of the mat.

Calvin Corzine doing Fallen Triangle with his bottom leg lifted

13. Fallen Triangle Leg Lift

Follow these instructions on how to do Fallen Triangle Leg Lifts, then kick up the sweat factor by pulsing your bottom leg.


14. Partridge Pose (Kapinjalasana) - Side Plank with Backbend

Come into Scorpion Dog by finding Single-Leg Down Dog and bending your lifted leg, drawing your top heel to your glutes. Reach back with the same-side hand as your lifted leg and grab hold of your foot. Breathe as you open up through your chest and shoulders.


15. side plank crunches

Add a power yoga element to your practice by weaving Side Plank Crunches into your sequence.


16. Thread-The-Needle Side Plank

Begin in Side Plank facing the left and stretch up through your top left fingers. Using your core strength to stabilize your body, thread your top arm underneath your body and reach over to the right side with your fingers. Activate your core to return to the starting position.

Ashley Galvin doing Side Plank with the bottom knee bent

17. Side Plank with Bottom Knee Bent

Start in Side Plank and bend your bottom leg, reaching your bottom knee to your bottom elbow. Stretch your top arm up or place your top hand behind your head as shown.

Kayla Nielsen in Side Plank with her bottom knee hovering

11. Side Plank with Bottom Knee Hovering

From Side Plank, bend your bottom knee and slightly rotate your bottom knee and chest up toward the sky, letting your bottom knee hover out in front of you. Reach your top arm up and shift your gaze up.

Meghan Currie doing Visvamitrasana

19. Visvamitrasana

Make sure you’re properly warmed up before entering Visvamitrasana (we recommend this full-length yoga class). Begin in Side Plank with Bottom Knee Hovering, then kick your bottom leg out. Reach your top arm over to clasp the pinky-toe edge of your extended foot. Plug your arm into your socket, and slowly shift your extended leg to the top of the mat as you rotate your chest to the side.

Ashley Galvin doing side plank with her top leg crossed in front

20. Side Plank with Crossed Legs

Need some extra support in Side Plank? Make it slightly easier by bringing your top leg in front of your bottom leg for more stability. You can also work into Side Plank with toe taps by pointing your toes and bringing your front leg forward into this position, bringing it behind your bottom leg, and switching back and forth to fire up your core.

Satisfy your Side Plank cravings with unlimited access to online yoga classes on Alo Moves. Sign up for a free 14-day trial today.

Alo Movesyoga, side plank