Fun Pose Friday: Wheel Pose with Figure 4 Legs

Patrick Beach in Wheel Pose with Figure 4 Legs

Those who master the basics of backbending are often eager to explore what else awaits in the realm of intermediate to advanced heart openers. While there are so many backbending poses out there, a fun way to venture into the unknown is to add a fun variation to a pose you’re already familiar with practicing.

One common peak backbending pose that people often learn first is Wheel Pose. There are so many different Wheel Pose variations, but one of our favorites is Wheel Pose with Figure 4 Legs (or Wheel Pose with Pigeon legs). This challenging backbend combines deep front body opening with a feel-good hip stretch to bring energy to your practice.

Make sure you’re thoroughly warmed up before getting on the mat, then learn how to do Wheel Pose with Figure 4 Legs step by step with Alo Moves instructor Patrick Beach:

How to do Wheel Pose with Figure 4 Legs

  1. Come to a seat on your mat with your legs out in front of you. Place your right ankle on top of your left knee to create a figure 4 shape, then lie down onto your back.

  2. Walk your left foot under your left knee about hip-distance apart.

  3. Bring your hands down behind your shoulders with your fingers facing in. Squeeze your elbows together.

  4. Press down through your hands and straighten your arms to lift yourself up.

  5. Bring your gaze back or down between your hands and breathe into your foundation.

Benefits of Wheel Pose with Figure 4 Legs

  • Opens your chest

  • Strengthens your upper and lower body

  • Tones your abdominals

  • Stretches your hip flexors

  • Energizes your mind

Want to practice yoga with Patrick Beach? Check out his Awaken Your Practice series on Alo Moves with a free 14-day trial.