Fun Pose Friday: Fallen Triangle + Leg Lifts

Andrea Taylor doing Fallen Triangle pose

Part Triangle Pose, part side plank, part backbend — Fallen Triangle yoga pose (Patita Tarasana) is a fun and funky side plank variation and heart opener that will build upper body and core strength for days. Also called Fallen Star Pose or Rockstar Pose, Fallen Triangle is the perfect way to inject fun, creative energy into your yoga flow.

Learn how to do Fallen Triangle Pose and its fun Fallen Triangle Leg Lifts variation with Alo Moves yoga instructor Andrea Taylor:

How to Do Fallen Triangle Pose

  1. From Downward Dog, inhale and stretch your right leg up and back. 

  2. As you exhale, curl your right leg toward your left arm and shoot your right leg out to the left side of the mat. Let your back left foot come all the way down parallel to the back of the mat.

  3. Take your left arm up towards the sky or let it rest on your hip.

  4. For Fallen Triangle Leg Lifts, lift your extended right leg up and pulse it for 10 counts. Return back to Downward Dog and repeat on the other side.

Fallen Triangle Pose Benefits

  • Strengthens your arms and shoulders

  • Builds deep core strength

  • Opens your hips and hamstrings

Want to see more moves like this? Practice Andrea Taylor’s Total Body Blast class on Alo Moves. Start your free 14-day trial to Alo Moves today.