Your August 2021 Wellness Horoscopes ✨

Starry night sky through a red canyon.

This month includes a celestial twist: A repeat of the Full Moon in Aquarius from last month. Expect to revisit trials and triumphs from July, only one month wiser. Fortunately, with the Sun in fiery Leo and Mercury and Mars in practical Virgo, this is a beautiful time for growth and self-discovery.

Read on to see how these shifts will impact your sign and be sure to explore your updated Alo Moves playlist.



Happy birthday, Leo! You kicked off the month with a New Moon in your sign, inviting you to reinvent yourself. All of this soul-searching is exciting — you’re finding new ways to show off! Pay special attention to your self-worth and maintain your trademark confidence during this process, because you’re still as fabulous as ever.

Uranus throws a little wrench in things when it goes retrograde in your house of ambition and reputation, causing some confusion about what you want to put out into the world. Throughout the month, make little lists of affirmations and desires, and refer back to it whenever you feel like you’re in trouble.

The Full Moon, the second in Aquarius this year, on August 22 asks you to circle back to your friendships — so reach out to somebody you haven’t thought about in a while and show them the new you. This month’s playlist is all about confidence.



Break out the label maker, Virgo, because it’s time to get organized! Mercury, your ruling planet, is joining Mars in your sign on August 11, giving you infinite ideas and a clear head to go along with your potent get-up-and-go energy. You can clearly articulate your vision AND make it a reality in your home or your plans. When the Sun shines upon you for Virgo season on the 22nd, you’ll be fully in your stride.

A repeat Full Moon in Aquarius gives you a stern reminder to take care of yourself. Have you forgotten to factor in some kind of self-care? Are you putting off a doctor’s appointment? Don’t let all that forward momentum let you forget that your body needs tending to. This month’s playlist is about getting things done.



Be careful, Libra! Communicative Mercury is diving into your inner world on August 11 and stays there for most of the month, so it might kick up some secrets or feelings you’re trying to keep down. Try to own that energy by doing a lot of deep journaling about what you’ve been keeping private, especially in the subconscious. Fight the doom and gloom by keeping it creative and fun: draw pictures, make collages, or write it all out in haiku.

Venus slides out of the shadows and into your sign on the 16th, amplifying your natural charm, but you might be tempted to leave it running while you’re tending to your feelings. Stay engaged and toss as much honesty as you can into the mix so you don’t start compartmentalizing!

On the 22nd, Sun in Virgo tempts you to dive further inward, while a repeat of the Aquarius full moon from last month boosts your self-expression and pleasure. Fortunately, balance is your forte, so perhaps split the difference and have an affirming night in with your besties. When Mercury finally moves on to your sign on the 30th, you’ll find new clarity and harmony. This month’s playlist is about riding it out.



Who do you love, Scorpio? Expressive Mercury joins fiery Mars mingling around your friendships and desires starting on the 11th, and on the 16th, Venus dives into your inner depths. You learned a lot about your chosen family and foundation last month — but this one’s all about processing the role these relationships take in your life. Write letters to your nearest and dearest, even if you never actually send them. Consider what you need from those closest to you, and how you can take care of them, too.

Some of your closest relationships might feel like they’re on shaky ground, and you might feel resistant to changing or evolving your partnerships. But toward the end of the month, you’ll find your footing. Virgo season shines a bright light on your friendships and community, and Round 2 of the Full Moon in Aquarius asks you to look to your home and chosen family and see if there’s anything missing. This month’s playlist is about growth and trust.



After a busy and transformative July, you’re hitting the ground running and figuring out what drives you. With Mercury, the planet of communication and information, hanging out in your center of career and success, you know which challenges to chase and how to absolutely crush them. Loving Venus blesses your social life on the 16th, and you might feel like the life of the party. Bask in it, because you are having a moment!

It is imperative, however, that you don’t let your body fall out of balance while you’re on the go. Try some new creative, healthy recipes, and find some fun ways to get your movement in — maybe with a friend.

The previous full moon in Aquarius came with some major intel that might’ve been hard to hear. When it rolls back around on the 22nd, ask yourself what you’ve learned and how you’ve grown in the past month. Your August playlist is about thriving.



The New Moon on August 8 paved the way for transformation, and informative Mercury is helping you grow as it hangs out with fiery Mars in your spiritual zone. Experience new things you’ve always wanted to try and go with your impulses.  This month is the perfect time to bounce a new-ish you around.

While you’re evolving, make sure to center and elevate the things you love. Venus lends some extra charm and creativity to your work and contributions starting on the 16th, so start showing off a craft or hobby you’ve been keeping under wraps — and if you don’t have one, pull one off your shelf of dreams and start it.

The rerun of the Aquarius Full Moon on the 22nd invites you to reassess your material world: Are you directing resources toward what you love? How can you make room for what brings you joy? This month’s playlist is about expansion.



Last month, you laid a foundation — and now it’s time for things to get back to their regularly scheduled Aquarius weird. Curious Mercury is diving into mystery, transformation, birth, death, and general meaning-of-life stuff for you on the 11th, and a few days later playful Venus jumps into your area of philosophy, spirituality, and wisdom. Lean into it! Take a few short trips to places that you think can teach you things, and pack plenty of books to read (or audiobooks to listen to) on the journey.  

Just make sure you have some space to explore at home, too. Your ruling planet, Uranus, could shake your foundations around home and family when it goes retrograde in Taurus on the 19th. Make a little reading nook, set up a home meditation space, or maybe just call your mom. Think of it as maintaining a base camp.

The Full Moon illuminates your sign and everything that makes you special once again on the 22nd. How can you tie together everything you’ve learned into another celebration of your own abundance? This month’s playlist is about exploring your inner and outer world.



Good news, Pisces (and only Pisces): It’s time for some conversations, and they’re about emotions! Chatty Mercury is inserting itself in your close, personal bonds on the 11th, and on the 16th, Venus moves intimacy and big, foundational feelings to the top of the agenda. If you have deep thoughts to share, journal on them beforehand so you can be clear and purposeful in your words — and if things get a little steamy, you’ll know how to protect your heart.

Last month’s Full Moon in Aquarius stirred up emotions and secrets for you, and when it comes back on the 22nd, it could be reaching a little more deeply. But don’t worry! Virgo Season starts at the same time, encouraging positive relationships — and resolution for anything that got a little heated earlier. This month’s playlist is about understanding your feelings.



You are THRIVING in fiery Leo season, Aries! You’re full of creativity, social charm, and boundless love. Unstoppable Mars, your ruling planet, is sending some potent energy toward home and family all month long — and when Mercury joins him on August 11, those vibes turn outward into warm gatherings and deep conversations. Venus blesses your close relationships, like your partner or your bestie, on the 16th.

Remember these rich friendships, because there may be a little money trouble ahead, making you rethink your material world. Your August objective is to deepen your close relationships in ways that don’t require spending a lot of cash, like a beach day or an evening baking nourishing treats.

There’s more abundance on the way: On the 22nd, the Full Moon in Aquarius asks you to discover blessings you’ve overlooked. This month’s playlist is about finding the bliss that’s already inside you.



Leo season has you focusing on home, and you’re ready to get earthy and cozy. Inquisitive Mercury fires up your creativity and playful side starting on the 11th, so it’s a great time to have a game night at home with the people who give you life. 

As you’re doing so much hosting, beautiful Venus moves into your physical and wellness realm, giving you the power to identify what you need from your space. Are there any home projects you’ve been putting off? Are you having trouble establishing cleaning routines? Now is the time to address that — you may even find it fun.

Last month’s Full Moon in Aquarius may have led to some jarring new beginnings, and you might feel some aftershock when it happens again on the 22nd. But don’t worry: The same day ushers in Virgo season, and with the sun in your fellow earth sign, the focus is on play. This month’s playlist is about fresh starts.



Leo Season has you bursting with social energy, dear Gemini, but communicative Mercury, your ruling planet, and potent Mars are shoving you toward home, especially during their conjunction on the 18th. How can you release that energy in creative projects? This month, try making crafts or baking for your closest friends — especially as loving Venus brings out fun vibes, attention to aesthetics, and joy in showing affection to your buddies on the 16th. 

All this domesticity might make you feel a little restless, but never fear: You’re getting another Aquarius full moon on the 22nd, launching you toward adventure and self-discovery. Still, the Sun joins the celestial team pulling you back to your base when Virgo season starts the same day. Get weird, but stay close to your ride-or-dies! Mercury moves toward playtime on the 30th, so follow your curiosity and find magic wherever you are. This month’s playlist is about creation.



You’re still riding the confident wave of Leo Season, Cancer, and when articulate Mercury joins fiery Mars in your communication house, you’re especially abuzz. Affectionate Venus blesses  your home and inner circle on the 16th, adding to the social vibes. Write letters to long-distance friends, and surround yourself with those you love as part of your routine: Get chores done with other people, like grocery shopping or gardening. 

You love your inner circle so fiercely, but Uranus goes retrograde in your house of friendships and abundance on the 18th, shaking the earth beneath them. With the stars so aligned toward staying close, it’s not a bummer: Find new ways to hang out or maybe venture into expanding your social circle.

The Full Moon in Aquarius and the start of Virgo season on the 22nd combine into big changes and clear communication. Are you starting to become more than friends with someone? Tell them! Have you started a new adventure with your BFF? Don’t just plan — make it happen! This month’s playlist is all about collaboration.

Alo Moveshoroscopes