Wellness Rituals for Leo Season

Bright, shiny, glittering Leo season has arrived, bringing sunshine, fire, and a chance to bask in your unique energy. What’s the most actualized version of yourself, and how can you throw them the biggest party possible? These rituals for Leo season celebrate YOU.




Leo is a fire sign, so use this time to channel bold, confident, and authoritative energy. Caley Alyssa’s Leo Season Astroflow will help you radiate warmth and strength. It’s even more effective when the new and full moon is in Leo. Your heart space is where the essence of the lion lives, so this powerful Vinyasa class taps into that area and boosts circulation with Camel Pose, Flying Figure Four, and Lion’s Breath.

Try Leo Season Astroflow with Caley Alyssa to align with your sign.

Lie around in the sun


Leo is ruled by the Sun, and now is the perfect time to luxuriate in it. Put on your cutest summer ‘fit, lay out your favorite blanket, and bask in the rays. Snap some selfies. Lay out a decadent cheese plate or do some extremely aesthetic beach yoga. Just remember to wear sunscreen!


Get started on your boldest dream skill


Always wanted to do a cartwheel or master a handstand? Now’s the time to harness your self-confidence and learn that big, showy thing you’ve been nervous to try.

Need some ideas to get you moving? Try Journey to Handstand with Patrick Beach and Carling Harps, Discover Your Splits with Kayla Nielsen, or School of Arm Balance with Dylan Werner.


Get dressed up, even if you have nowhere to go


Chances are you’re not about to hit a gala anytime soon (if you are, this will be easy for you), but that doesn’t mean you can’t dress like you’re going to the Met — even if you’re just hitting a barbeque, running errands, or staying at home playing video games. Don all your favorite glittery things, do your hair, and wear your fanciest shoes. They might need some dusting-off after the last year anyway.

Throw a party


When’s the last time that you surrounded yourself with your nearest and dearest, maybe with some of your outer circle thrown in? Get a large gathering together to soak in some friendship magic, whether it’s game night at your home or reserving some picnic tables at the park.


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