Wellness Rituals for Virgo Season

Practical, grounded Virgo season has arrived, and it’s time to get things done — just make sure you’re putting your own needs on the to-do list. These rituals for Virgo season are here to help you do some routine maintenance on yourself.


Organize that spot that never gets organized

small messy kitchen

Chances are you have one perpetually chaotic place in your home. It could be a catch-all basket by your front door. Maybe it’s a junk drawer that’s steadily outgrowing itself. Perhaps your pantry is such a jumble that you need to really dig for your chia seeds to make your overnight pudding. The big picture can sometimes be a challenge during Virgo season — but it’s a great time to take advantage of all the little ones.


person journaling with coffee

Forgetting anything? We track obligations, events, and milestones in so many different ways, like Facebook events, Google Calendar, a notes app, and errant post-it notes. Are your tasks and upcoming to-dos all living in one place?

If you’ve let your planner fall by the wayside, there’s no bad time to start — and some formats, like Bullet Journal, don’t abide by a restrictive page-a-day format. At the very least, sit down and take stock of everything at once so there are no surprises. Future-you will thank you!


Establish (or refresh) your workout routine


Make a plan and stick to it! For those of us that like to go wherever the workout-wind takes us, an actual routine can be challenging, but having an action plan is crucial to sticking to our goals. Planning workouts like appointments, getting a workout buddy, or using the playlist feature on Alo Moves can all be useful. (We have more tips on staying motivated here.)

If you’re already diligent about a routine, this is a great time to take stock of your goals, see if you want to work on something new, and establish a fresh practice.


Take a class

Laruga Glaser in an arm balance

It’s back to school season, and if you’re actually going back to school, you’re set here. But if you’re not, it’s time to hit the books. Whether you’re starting an Ashtanga Yoga journey or learning a new instrument, focus on soaking up some deep knowledge of one topic.

Meditate for a clear mind

Jackie Stewart meditating with plants

It might seem like there’s too much to do this Virgo season, but don’t let that trip you up. It’s also a great time to build focus and find what’s important — so tidy your mind first. These meditation classes on Alo Moves can help you clear your head and make room for the essentials.


Explore our entire library of mindfulness classes on Alo Moves, from meditations to sound baths to lectures on mindful living. Start your free 14-day trial today.