8 Post-Workout Protein Snacks These Yoga & Fitness Pros Swear By


How many times after a workout have you wanted a more filling snack than just a protein bar or a piece of fruit? We’re on the hunt for some delicious post-workout protein snack ideas, so we asked some of our top Alo Moves instructors what food they tend to reach for after a workout — and the simplicity of what they go for may just surprise and inspire you.

Fitting in a carb-heavy, protein-rich post-workout snack isn’t just to fill up your belly — it’s necessary to aid your body’s recovery process and can help decrease muscle protein breakdown, increase muscle growth, and restore glycogen stores. In a study on the most ideal post-workout nutrition for athletes, this what was recommended: “To maintain muscle glycogen stores, athletes are advised to consume a high-carbohydrate diet that contains adequate energy (calories), along with proteins to stimulate muscle repair and growth and fluids to ensure normal hydration.” However, while it’s important to try to fit in food after a workout, it’s more important to look at your overall nutrition and make healthy choices throughout the day.

These post-workout snack ideas are just a starting point. While these are all delicious options to try, Alo Moves fitness instructor and nutrition coach Roxie Jones suggests not to stress about what you’re eating and try focusing on the big picture and basics first.

“There are absolutely suggestions to optimize your training and nutrition with a certain amount of protein and carbs, but by no means is it a hard rule we need to follow,” says Jones. “There’s a very small percentage of people that would actually benefit from that, such as someone that’s preparing for some sports performance or is training seriously. It’s more about how much you’re getting throughout the entire day on top of eating nutrient-dense foods.”

Switch up your usual go-to post-workout snacks with these ideas from our Alo Moves instructors.


Coconut Water or Bone Broth

Broken coconut with a straw

After an intense workout, I like to recover by drinking either coconut water or bone broth to replenish my body! Coconut water offers hydration and natural sugars, which fuel our brain and help bring energy into our muscles, and bone broth offers minerals, fat, and protein to support muscle building after a workout. My favorite broth is Kettle & Fire, the turmeric and ginger flavor! The roots in this broth are anti-inflammatory and support digestion as well.”

- Adrienne Rabena, Alo Moves Barre Instructor


Dates and Apples with Crunchy Almond Butter

Jar of dates

It's simple, delicious, salty, and sweet!”

- Caley Alyssa, Alo Moves Yoga Instructor


Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich & Protein Smoothie

peanut butter and jelly sandwich

“I love a protein smoothie and a peanut butter jelly sandwich together. The protein smoothie is an easy way for me to get another serving of greens in, plus it tastes delicious. I've always been a huge peanut butter jelly lover, so I make sure to toast the bread before putting it together. As far as a nutrition perspective goes, it's important to get carbs and protein after a workout to promote muscle repair and synthesis!”

- Roxie Jones, Alo Moves Fitness Instructor


Tropical Fruit with Lime Juice & Protein Smoothie


“Lately my go-to has been tropical fruits. You have to try this: pineapple, banana, and papaya with fresh lime juice squeezed all over it. So good and so fresh! On days that I want a little more or extra protein, I make a smoothie.”

- Ashley Galvin, Alo Moves Yoga Instructor


Watermelon with Spring Water & Fruit and Protein Salad

watermelon and glass of watermelon juice

“After a long run, I love juicing watermelon and then adding half spring water. It's delicious and perfect for rehydrating. I make it before my run and put it in the freezer so it’s ice-cold when I’m back. After a Pilates or weight training workout, my favorite snack is spinach, strawberry, feta cheese, and pepita salad.

- Tela Anderson, Alo Moves Pilates Instructor


Almond Butter and Cacao Nibs

cacao nibs

“I love almond butter — Whole Foods crunchy almond butter with some organic cacao nibs is wonderful. It's so simple, easy, and delicious.”

- Kirat Randhawa, Alo Moves Meditation Instructor


Protein-Packed Breakfast

breakfast with eggs, avocado, fruit, and salad

“I don't snack. I've never really been a snacker and I don't keep any snacks in my house. I always do my physical practice on an empty stomach in the morning after my meditation and breath practice. When I finish exercising, I'm usually pretty hungry, so I'll have a large breakfast that will hold me over until dinner. Breakfast is generally scrambled eggs, sliced avocado, sautéed spinach, and some fruit.”

- Dylan Werner, Alo Moves Yoga Instructor



Cashews and Cranberries

bowl of cashews

“My favorite snack is a small jar of cashews and dried cranberries that I keep close by throughout the day. Aside from being a tasty and satisfying treat, there are many nutritious benefits. Cashews are rich in fiber, healthy fats, and are a good source of plant protein. Dried cranberries are rich in antioxidants, beneficial vitamins, and help keep you regular.”

- Jackie Stewart, Alo Moves Meditation Instructor


Want to practice yoga, fitness, and meditation with these pros? Start your free 14-day trial to Alo Moves today.

Alo Movesrecipe, nutrition