Pose Breakdown: How to Do Crescent Lunge
Flow into the shape of the moon in this chest-opening pose known as Crescent Lunge, or Ashta Chandrasana. You’ll find it provides a deep stretch in the hip flexors, quads, and groin muscles as well as a slight backbend. To maintain your balance in this pose, keep your hips low, level, and in line with your legs.
Avoid practicing Crescent Lunge if you have any injuries to your knees, hips, lower back, quads, or groin muscles. If you are working on your balance, you may consider practicing this pose with a chair or a wall nearby for support.
Read on to find step-by-step instructions on how to do Crescent Lunge Pose from Alo Moves yoga teacher Briohny Smyth.
Benefits of Crescent Lunge Pose
Stretches your legs, hip flexors, hamstrings, and groin muscles
Strengthens thighs and glutes
Opens your chest and shoulders
Develops lower-body stamina and endurance
Improves your balance and focus
Stretches your psoas muscles
Can alleviate sciatica pain
Prep Poses for Crescent Lunge Pose
How to Do Crescent lunge pose
Modifications for Crescent Lunge Pose
If you have sensitive knees, come down to your back knee and place a yoga blanket or block under your back knee.
If you feel strain in your neck or shoulders, lower your arms by placing them on blocks, your hips, or on the floor.
To maintain your balance, place your hands on a chair or wall in front of you for support.
Practice more strong standing poses with online yoga classes on Alo Moves, free with a 14-day trial.