Pose Breakdown: Warrior I - Yoga Pose Tutorial
Cultivate strength and determination that can carry you through the rest of your yoga practice — and your day — with Warrior I. It’s usually one of the first poses you learn in a Vinyasa class, but it can be a lot more challenging than it looks.
When you fine-tune your alignment, Warrior I feels even more powerful: It’s a whole-body strengthening pose with a slight twist, requiring both your balance and your patience. This fiery pose embodies what its name is all about. Build even more resolve with the rest of the Dancing Warrior flow.
Benefits of Warrior I Pose
Strengthens your shoulders, arms, legs, and back
Stretches your chest, shoulders, and neck
Opens your hips and chest
Improves balance and concentration
Increases circulation and energy
Learn how to do Warrior I pose (Virabhadrasana I) with this step-by-step tutorial from Alo Moves instructor
Dylan Werner:
Start in Mountain Pose at the top of your mat. Step your left leg back into a lunge with your right knee aligned over your right ankle. You should be able to see your toes.
Bring your hands to your hips and tuck your tailbone down.
Turn your back heel in so your back foot points out at a 45-degree angle.
Lift your inner left thigh up and press down into the outer edge of your foot.
Square your hips by pulling your left hip forward and drawing back through your right hip. Maintain pressure on the outer edge of your foot.
Engage your core by drawing your ribs together.
Sink a bit deeper into your front leg as much as your flexibility allows, keeping your knee above your ankle.
Reach your arms forward and elevate your arms overhead. Move your shoulders away from your ears.
Bring your gaze up between your hands.
Create some space across your shoulder blades by wrapping your triceps in.
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