I Tried an Alo Moves Challenge: Week 3

Follow along with Alo Moves user Christine as she takes part in the four-week
Find What Moves You Challenge.

By Christine M.

Roxie Jones teaching a class from the Git FIt guide

The late January lack of motivation has started to hit us, and we showed our humanity a bit this week! Overall, it was a great week, but with a few bumps along the way. We are looking forward to next week being the last week so we can have a bit more flexibility back in our routine, and personally, I look forward to practicing more yoga classes in February. Let’s take a look at our third week of the challenge:

Monday, Day 11

Dylan Werner Teaching is Full Body Slow Burn class

Class: Full Body Slow Burn with Dylan Werner

I woke up with an upset stomach that lingered around ALL day, so today I decided to listen to my body and I skipped the class. I always battle guilt when I don’t follow through, but I’m ultimately glad I sat today out and focused on rest and feeling better instead.

Tuesday, Day 12

Ashley Galvin teaching her Sore To The Core class

Class: Sore To The Core with Ashley Galvin

Feeling so much better and back to myself today and with lots of drive to get back into this challenge. Today’s class was core-focused and while I feel overall pretty strong in my core, there were still definitely some moves that Ashley does seamlessly and we, well, did not. Regardless, we made it through the class and left with our abs hurting in the best way possible, so it wasn’t a loss at all!

Wednesday, Day 13

Adrienne Kimberly teaching her Booty Burn Class

Class: Booty Burn with Adrienne Kimberly

Definitely going to be adding this class to my practice because MY, does it live up to its name! I loved the focused Barre-style movements that targeted my stabilizing hips, which is one area I don’t seem to work out nearly enough. This class really set our glutes on fire and my husband and I may or may have not scream-laughed our way through the burning!

Thursday, Day 14

Callie Gullickson teaching her Strong at the Core class

Class: Strong at the Core with Callie Gullickson

Today we opted for a family hike as our form of exercise. We headed up to the mountains about an hour away from our home with our dog, toddler, and a big picnic. It was so nice to do a COVID-safe activity and get some fresh mountain air together. Next time we’ll have to bring our mats and take our class with us outside, but we’ll wait for it to warm up a bit first!

Friday, Day 15

Jacy Cunningham teaching his Power Through class

Class: Power Through with Jacy Cunningham

While we had this class originally set for Thursday, we moved it to today because we did not want to miss a Jacy workout! His energy really emanates from the screen and his classes are always a challenge yet so much fun. Today’s class was no different and we were left with our upper body burning from moves like Knee Taps, Push-ups, and Shoulder Presses.

Want to join in on the Find What Moves You Challenge? Start anytime with a free 14-Day trial to Alo Moves. You can also check out Christine’s Week 1 and Week 2 Challenge review.

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