I Tried An Alo Moves Challenge: Week 2

Follow along with Alo Moves user Christine as she takes part in the four-week
Find What Moves You Challenge.

By Christine M.

The Git FIt guide

Welcome back to Week 2! If you’re also doing the Find What Moves You Challenge, I’m sending you a virtual high-five as we go into Week 3 and motivation may be dipping — we’ve got this! Read on to see how the second week went for my husband and me.

Monday, Day 6

Koya Webb teaching her "Max HIIT" class

Class: Max HIIT with Koya Webb

I was excited to try a class from this series as Yoga and HIIT are my two favorite types of workouts, and I was curious to see how they’d be blended. At just over 45 minutes, this is the longest class that’s been on the calendar yet, and I’m not going to lie — I was a little worried about keeping up for the duration of class since last week’s classes were all pretty short. I loved that Koya included a good warm-up at the beginning and I found this class really fun yet also quite challenging. There were a few splits, chest openers, and headstands that made both my husband and I collapse into a heap of laughter on the floor because he’s never really practiced anything other than Yin Yoga, and neither of us were prepared for this level of yoga. My husband is an ex-spinning instructor so he’s into fitness, but I have yet to sell him on the idea of yoga — but I’m keeping at it! I, on the other hand, can’t wait to work more on my flexibility and general level of yoga and come back to try out other classes in this series.

Tuesday, Day 7

Calvin Corzine teaching his "7-Day Core Ignite" class

Class: Heat with Calvin Corzine

We both love a good core class almost as much as our big dog and toddler love to climb on us while we work out! Parents who work out at home in the middle of this craziness, we see you, and we salute you! Once we were able to distract our distractions, we pushed ourselves through this. There were a few moves that although were basic ab exercises, still definitely turned up the heat, like alternating leg lifts. The class gave us both a good burn but didn’t feel beyond reach like yesterday’s did at times!

Wednesday, Day 8

DJ Townsel teaching his "Day 2 Upper Body Crush"

Class: Upper Body Crush with DJ Townsel

I definitely need to work on my upper-body strength, and this class made sure I knew it. I’ve never taken one of DJ’s classes before and liked how he set it up into three stations: one incorporating blocks (which we didn’t have, so we had to modify), another doing a yoga flow to keep the heat, and lastly a restorative pose off the mat. My husband was really into this class and appreciated the lack of complicated yoga poses!

Thursday, Day 9

Claudine Lafond teaching her "Glute Power" class

Class: Glute Power with Claudine Lafond

The deep stretches in this class felt great to me, but to my husband, who had Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease as a child (a childhood condition that causes a problem with the hip), he wasn’t able to do a lot of these moves comfortably. I thought this was a great class to keep in my rotation for days that I want something a bit more chill than HIIT, but that also provides a great lower-body workout.

Friday, Day 10

Caley Alyssa teaching her "Total Strength Fusion" class

Class: Total Strength Fusion with Caley Alyssa

As busy parents, I think the perfect class length for us is around 20 minutes, like this one. Enough to get in a good sweat and combine with a family walk, but not so long that we have to stress about finding the time to squeeze it in along with everything else. I liked that this was a total-body class because I always walk away feeling like I’ve achieved more. We’ve also recently moved, so we don’t have much in the way of equipment. The fact that this was a no-equipment needed (except a mat) kind of class just makes it easier to dive in and get it done.

Want to join in on the Find What Moves You Challenge? Start anytime with a free 14-Day trial to Alo Moves. You can also check out Christine’s Week 1 Challenge review.

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