Fun Pose Friday: Twisted Bow Pose

Briohny in twisted bow pose

Twisted Bow Pose (or Funky Bow Pose) is a beautiful variation of Dhanurasana — and it feels as good as it looks once you’re warmed up properly. If you’re looking for a nice shoulder opener and backbend, a fun challenge, or just a great yoga pose to photograph, check out Briohny Smyth’s step-by-step tutorial of Twisted Bow.

Before trying this pose, make sure you’ve warmed up your shoulders and back with a few Sun Salutations, Sphinx Pose, Bridge Pose or Locust Pose, any Thread-the-Needle variation, Half Frog Pose, and Bow Pose.

How to Do Twisted Bow Pose

  1. From a Sphinx position, extend your left arm forward and crawl your right arm over to the left and come down onto your right shoulder. Make sure that your right elbow is lower than your right shoulder itself. 

  2. Use your left hand to pull your left foot in, grab hold of your left toes as much as you can with your right hand, and use your left hand to grab the inside edge of your right foot. 

  3. Kick back with your right foot and lift your right knee to lift yourself up. The key here is your right elbow — that’s your kickstand. Push down and lift your chest up.

Want to put this into practice with a full-length flow into Twisted Bow? Check out Briohny Smyth’s High Energy Flow from her 21-Day Yoga Sweat series on Alo Moves. Try this class and more for free with a 14-day trial.