Pose Breakdown: Cow Pose - Yoga Tutorial

Transport yourself to greener pastures with Cow Pose (Bitilasana) — a gentle, chest-opening backbend designed to loosen up your spine and stretch your entire back body. This pose is often paired with its partner pose, Cat Pose, and is commonly seen in many yoga styles as part of a warm-up or as a counter pose.While it is considered a beginner move, its effects are powerful — try pairing it  with Cat Pose as a way to synchronize your body to your breath and hone your focus.

Learn how to do Cow Pose in this video tutorial from Dylan Werner. You’ll learn the proper alignment and technique to help you safely move into Cow Pose.



Start on your hands and knees with your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips.


Wrap your triceps with your elbows pointed back to create external rotation.


Let your belly begin to fall and lift your tailbone up.


Bring your chest forward, spread your shoulders wider, and arch your back as you bring your gaze forward or slightly up.

Prep Poses for Cow Pose

  • Child’s Pose

  • Tabletop

Benefits of Cow Pose

  • Opens your chest and shoulders

  • Strengthens your back

  • Stretches your neck and spine

  • Massages your abdominal organs

  • Improves circulation, lung capacity, and digestion

  • Relieves pain from menstrual cramps and sciatica


Avoid Cow Pose if you have chronic pain or recent injury to the back, knees, wrists, shoulders, or neck.

How to Modify Cow Pose

You can modify Cow Pose by placing a blanket under your wrists or knees for added comfort.

Follow-Up Poses to Cow

Want to put Cow Pose into practice? Try Briohny Smyth’s Movement Flow for free with a 14-day trial to Alo Moves.