5 Core Flows That Bring the Heat

DJ Townsel in Upward Facing Dog

We’ve all been there — a long work day just came to an end, and you just need to move and wring out all your stress on the mat. There are certain times when only a fast, heated flow will do the trick to help you burn away your tension and leave it all behind.

If you’re looking for a fun yoga flow to get you strong, sweaty, and stress-free, we recommend these core vinyasa classes on Alo Moves. From balance poses to twists to ab exercises, there are so many ways to work your core on the mat, and these classes just scratch the surface. We rounded up some core-focused yoga flows — from beginner to more challenging — and listed them here for easy reference the next time you need a good recommendation.

Vinyasa Kickstart with DJ Townsel 

Beginner | Level 2

DJ Townsel in Balancing Table Pose

Grab a pair of blocks and ease into a gentle flow that will stretch and strengthen your body. This is the perfect introductory class to vinyasa as it isn’t too demanding or fast-paced, and DJ offers plenty of modifications throughout. You’ll sweat through various Sun Salutations, core work, and standing postures like Warrior II and Forward Fold.

Naya Rappaport in Staff Pose lifted off the ground

Awaken from the inside out in this invigorating vinyasa class aimed at strengthening your core through challenging plank variations, twists, and folds. You’ll end the class with a relaxing guided meditation in Savasana to help you unwind and cool down.

Core Happiness - Eoin Finn 

Intermediate | Level 2

Eoin Finn teaching a Crow Pose variation

n this fun and dynamic class, you’ll stretch out with poses like Triangle, Half Moon, and Bow and fit in a well-rounded workout. If you enjoy classes where the instructor names the poses as you go, you’ll find this class to be right up your alley and at a pace that isn’t overwhelming.

Core Strength Flow - Ashley Galvin 

Intermediate | Level 3

Ashley Galvin teaching Core Strength Flow

Learn to harness the strength and stability of your core in this sweaty class that utilizes steady holds and endurance to make you even stronger. Power through moves like Twisted Boat Crunches and Pistol Squats, work on your balance with Warrior III, and get deeply and blissfully stretched out with Heron and Pigeon Pose.

Power Core - Briohny Smyth 

Intermediate | Level 3

Briohny Smyth teaching Power Core

If you’re into ladder flow classes — where the instructor builds on each mini sequence with a new pose — you’ll love this fiery, core-toning flow with Bri. You’ll sweat it out with Tiger Curls, Mountain Climbers, and Side Plank variations that will leave you feeling “good sore” the next day.

Practice these classes and more for free with a 14-day trial to Alo Moves.

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