Fun Pose Friday: Half Camel With Raised Toe Pose

Caley Alyssa in Half Camel With Raised Toe Pose

If you feel comfortable in your Camel Pose, you might be wondering if there’s a fun variation to take things deeper. Enter Half Camel with Raised Toe Pose: a beautiful spin on this classic heart-opening stretch. 

Before approaching this Camel Pose variation, make sure you’re adequately warmed up in your body with some prep poses. Practice some Sun Salutations, take a couple rounds of Cat-Cow, then practice a few of your favorite heart openers (we suggest Wild Thing, Bridge, or an interlaced shoulder stretch). Finally, take one to two rounds of Camel and ease into this variation below.

How to do Half Camel with
Raised Toe Pose

  1. Come to a kneeling position with your toes tucked or untucked, depending on your preference. 

  2. Keep your legs hip-distance apart and squeeze your inner thighs together. Push your shins down into the yoga mat. 

  3. Bring your hands to your lower back with your elbows back and in. Tuck your tailbone, lift your chest, press your pelvis forward, and pull your belly in. Keep your shins active.

  4. Reach back and place your right palm or fingertips behind you on the mat. Start to bend your right leg and use your left hand to guide your right toes to rest against your inner right arm. When you feel supported, reach your left arm up and open your chest and shoulders to the sky.

  5. Keep lifting your chest, guide your hips forward, and draw your shoulder blades back, taking your gaze up if you feel comfortable. To come out, use your hand to release your foot, tuck your chin to your chest, bring both hands to your lower back and engage your low belly as you rise up from your chest.

Practice Camel with Caley Alyssa in her Power and Chill: Open and Free class. Get started with a free 14-day trial to Alo Moves.


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