How to Practice the Five Yamas: A Modern Guide to a Balanced Life

Naya in a lunge pose with eagle arms.

While many people only associate yoga with the physical poses, yoga was originally intended to be a lifestyle designed to bring us closer to wisdom and enlightenment. Over 1,700 years ago, the sage Patanjali wrote a roadmap to guide us on this journey — the Yoga Sutras.

The Yoga Sutras outline the Eight Limbs of Yoga, a practical guide on how to live a purposeful and meaningful life. This article focuses on the first limb, yama. Yama, which originally meant “bridle” or “rein,” refers to restraints that we place on ourselves to help guide us on the path to our ultimate purpose. They’re also meant to help us live in harmony with others around us. When put into practice, these five yamas will help you achieve a more balanced and fulfilled life. 

Given that these were written about 2,000 years ago, we’ve created a guide to living the five yamas in our modern world with insight from Naya Rappaport, who released the Yamas in Motion yoga series on Alo Moves. You’ll find some ideas on how to put each yama into practice on the mat and in your daily life.


  1. Ahimsa - Non-harming, promoting love and compassion
  2. Satya - Truthfulness, being honest with yourself and others
  3. Asteya - Non-stealing, giving rather than taking
  4. Brahmacharya - Moderation, conserving your energy
  5. Aparigraha - Non-attachment, letting go

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Let’s dive into the first yama, ahimsa. Click here to read A Modern Guide to the Yamas: How to Practice Ahimsa.