A Modern Guide to the Yamas: How to Practice Brahmacharya

Naya in sugarcane pose.

Brahmacharya (moderation)

Conserving your energy

Brahmacharya translates to “celibacy,” but the meaning of this yama extends beyond just that. “There’s a lot of layers to this yama, and that’s the most traditional one,” says Alo Moves instructor Naya Rappaport. “But I like to say that brahmacharya is about conservation of energy. Knowing how you feel energy and inspired and focusing on that as opposed to giving your energy towards something that will deplete you.” You might be familiar with this depleted feeling — that feeling at the end of a long weekend when you plop on your couch and think “It’s almost Monday and I didn’t even get to relax — I’m so, so tired.” Some of us thrive when we’re always on the go, but even for extroverts, it’s important to stay balanced and take time for yourself.

Here’s how to practice BRAHMACHARYA on and off the mat:


On the mat: 

  • Take rest when you need it during a yoga flow. Don’t be afraid to come down to Child’s Pose, modify what you need to, or skip the vinyasa if you feel like your energy is being depleted.

  • Switch from a more vigorous practice to yin and restorative yoga every now and then to give your body the balance it craves.

in your life: 

  • After a breakup, a big move, a new job, etc., consider retreating home for a bit and create a new routine that supports your interests and nourishes your physical, mental, and emotional health.

  • Fight the FOMO — don’t be afraid to say no when you don’t want to go out or you’re feeling run down. Your (good) friends will always be there for you and should understand your need to stay in.

  • Analyze your current routine. Are your hobbies and commitments supporting your goals in wellness, work, and life? What can you cut out that isn’t serving you, and what can you add that will enrich your day-to-day experience? Seek out what fills you up and inspires you.


Want to put it into practice? Flow with Naya in her Brahmacharya: Conserve Your Energy yoga class on Alo Moves.


Let’s continue to the final yama, aparigraha. Click here to read A Modern Guide to the Yamas: How to Practice Aparigraha.