Wellness Rituals and Practices for Aries Season

Emerging each year right around the Spring Equinox, Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, gives us a burst of fresh energy and a sense of new beginnings. In Pisces season, we turned inward and built strength. Now, it’s time to use what we learned and use that fiery Aries energy to build a launchpad to our dreams. 

Here are some ideas for active self-care that bring new growth to your life.

Make a to-do list or vision board

Vision Board

Your first instinct might be to just dive headfirst into new projects, but take a second to regroup and harness that energy. Don’t just make a list of chores or groceries — focus on things that serve you and your goals. Perhaps take a second to decorate your work and hang it up somewhere it can inspire you throughout the season.

Plant a seed


You don’t need a garden to make something grow. Even if you live in a small room or apartment, a flower for your windowsill or an herb pot for your kitchen can breathe a little extra life into your home. All you need are a few seeds and a growing medium — seed starter pellets made from peat or coco coir can keep things easy. Here are a few ideas:

  • Calendula: One of two flower species known as marigolds, calendula flowers are easy to grow and produce bright, sunny blooms. They’re also a versatile magical and medicinal herb, and the edible petals make a colorful addition to salads.

  • Basil: Like Aries, Basil is ruled by Mars, and it thrives on the light and heat ahead. It’s also tasty.

  • Tomatoes: There’s no substitute for fresh tomatoes off the vine, and they’ll grow on even the littlest balconies. If you don’t have any outdoor space but do have some extra ambition, a bright, sunny windowsill will do for a smaller plant.

Start a morning breath practice

Sah D'Simone leading his Awakening Breath class

Pranayama is the practice of controlling the breath, and you’ve probably already done it in a yoga class. Some pranayama exercises, like the HA breath, have been used to bring fire and energy into the body for thousands of years. Get started with Sah D’Simone’s Awakening Breath or Dylan Werner’s Morning Start breath sequence.

Call your bestie


During the pandemic, we’ve been losing touch with even our closest friends — or at the very least, it’s altered the way we interact with them. Shoot your BFF a message and make some sort of safe, concrete plan, like going on a hike, taking a class, or even just starting a two-person book club over Zoom.

Build heat and get sweaty

Kayla Nielsen leading her Glow Getter series

In yoga, there’s a concept called tapas, or heat. It refers to both the literal heat you feel from a vigorous yoga practice and your inner passion and courage — and how the endurance you build in your practice can shine throughout the rest of your day. We have a guide to building tapas, but here are a few Alo Moves yoga classes to get you started:

  • Glow Getter with Kayla Nielsen is a six-class series designed around the fire element, full of creative, dynamic flows that explore backbends, arm balances, and inversions.

  • Fresh Start Morning Flow with Ashley Galvin gets your body energized to set you up for the day ahead.

  • Vinyasa Burn with Jonah Kest builds focus and discipline in a high-intensity practice full of inversions and twists.

Want to practice all these classes for free? Get started with a 14-day trial to Alo Moves.

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