My Morning Routine: Avery Whitmore

Alo Moves instructor and sound healer Avery Whitmore has the most magical start to his day. Tucked away in a cabin nestled in the woods of upstate New York, he begins his routine with morning rituals and me-time that creates good energy for the hours ahead. Read on to learn his recipe for a mindful morning.

7 a.m.
My mornings begin around sunrise. I love to sleep in, but that doesn’t happen much these days. Ideally I’m up with the sun. I start my day with a warm glass of water and some gentle stretching. I like to take some quiet time to connect to the energy of the day. In these early moments, I find a deep connection to creativity and inspiration. Some days I will practice music here and write songs. Other days, I may just sit in front of the fire. My friends have a sauna and ice bath, and a few days a week, I will go sweat and freeze for a few hours. 

I currently live in a cabin in the woods in upstate New York. It has been snowing a lot here, so shoveling snow and clearing off the car have become part of the routine. The cabin runs on a wood stove, so hauling wood is also a regular chore.

8-10 a.m.
Ideally, I’ll get outside for a brisk walk. This helps to wake up my body and gives me the opportunity to connect to the elements. When I arrive home, I engage in a series of movements and postures, and when I am done, I take time to meditate and pray. I love to take a freezing cold shower after all of this, although in the dead of winter, it doesn’t always happen. 

I love to nourish my skin with lotion and oil. I’ve been using sweet almond oil in the winter months, and in the summer, I will use some coconut oil on my skin. I love Weleda skin food for my hands and even my face — it’s really thick and works well for my skin. 

In the mornings, I like to eat light. I love to drink celery juice but often will skip breakfast or wait until 10 or 11 to eat a meal.

10-11 a.m.

I’m usually returning emails, doing social media updates, and engaging in research and prep for that day’s sound bath session. In the virtual world we are currently living in, I always smudge my space, set up a small altar, and keep a glass of water and chapstick handy.  

Setting up for virtual sound baths can take some time. I have a series of microphones, stands, and other equipment. The key to a good sound meditation is making sure you have everything exactly where you need it so that once it begins, you don’t have to move. It’s definitely an art, and getting everything perfectly framed for the camera can take extra time, so I like to make sure that I have sufficient time before each session.

11 a.m.-12 p.m.
This is usually when my meetings and sound bath sessions begin.

Want to practice a virtual sound bath with Avery Whitmore? Get access to his full library of sound bath meditations on Alo Moves with a free 14-day trial.