Rise and Shine: 8 Yoga Poses You Can Do in Bed
Wake up every day with a good morning stretch. Starting a daily yoga routine might seem like a lofty goal, but it’s easier than you think. You don’t need a whole hour, a mat, or fancy props to get started — you can practice yoga from the comfort of your bed in just 10 minutes.
We teamed up with West Elm to share a simple morning yoga routine that can be done in bed. These yoga poses are perfect for opening your hips, releasing tension from your spine, and easing lower back pain. You’ll also boost your mood, energy, and mental clarity to help you greet the day with ease.
Aim to spend about 30 seconds to one minute in each pose.
Hiro Landazuri is practicing on the West Elm Clipped Jacquard Squares Duvet Cover & Shams
1. Child’s pose
Ease out of your sleepy state with this grounding pose to gently wake up your body.
Start on your bed on hands and knees, then sink your hips to your heels and stretch your arms forward. You can widen your knees to open your hips and relax your belly, or fold your forearms in to create a pillow for your forehead (which is extra cozy on sleepy mornings).
Need some more support? Place a pillow underneath your head and chest and rest your head to the side, or place a pillow underneath your hips to relieve pressure in your knees.
2. Cat/Cow Pose
This active spinal stretch will undo any tension from strange sleeping positions over the course of the night.
Shift yourself up from Child’s Pose onto hands and knees. Align your wrists underneath your shoulders and your knees underneath your hips. Begin by gazing down with a long spine. Inhale to drop your belly and lift your chin and chest, looking up to the sky if it’s comfortable for your neck. Then, exhale to draw your belly in and round your spine. Repeat the cycle as many times as you’d like.
3. Seated Side Stretch
Breathe easier with feel-good, lateral movement to stretch out the muscles of your side body.
Come to a seat, crossing your legs and sitting up tall. Place your left hand on your right knee and stretch your right arm up and over to the left. Ground down through your hips to deepen the stretch. Repeat on the other side.
Want to deepen the pose? Place your lifted hand behind your head, spiraling your chest up toward the sky.
4. Seated Forward Fold
Stretch out your spine and hamstrings with this calming pose to help you reflect before your day.
Draw your legs out in front of you and fold forward at the hips, relaxing your arms down by your sides. You can create space for your belly by separating your legs a bit wider, or you can make this extra comfy by resting your chest on a pillow.
If your hips are sinking down or are tilted back, place a pillow underneath your hips to rotate them forward. If the back of your legs feel tight, bend your knees or place a pillow underneath.
Hiro Landazuri is practicing on the West Elm TENCEL™ Sheet Set.
5. Pigeon Pose
This popular hip opener is made even more comfortable and accessible with the support of your bed and pillows.
Come to hands and knees close to the edge of the bed to give yourself space. Then, bring your right knee behind your right wrist and slide your left leg back behind you, dropping your hips to rest on the bed. Remain upright for a deep hip opener and backbend, or fold forward for a more restorative pose. Repeat on the other side.
Try to keep your hips level in this pose. If one hip is floating and needs support, place a pillow underneath or bunch up your comforter underneath your hip for support. You can also rest your chest forward onto a pillow. If this pose is still uncomfortable, take a Figure Four Stretch instead by lying on your back with your right ankle resting on the left thigh and right knee out to the side.
6. Happy Baby
Release your lower back and stretch your lower body with this essential morning yoga pose.
Lie on your back and hug your knees into your chest. Widen your knees out to each underarm, then flex your feet and draw your heels together, grabbing the outside edges of your feet with your hands. You can stay like this or lift the soles of your feet up to face the sky, creating a right angle shape with your legs.
7. reclined twist
This blissful twist will unwind your spine and work out any tension from the previous night.
Hug your knees into your chest. Keep your right leg hugged in and extend your left leg long on the bed. Let your right knee drop over to the left, feeling your hips start to stack. Deepen the pose by resting your left hand on your right leg. Feel both shoulders relax into the bed.
8. Legs Up the Wall / Legs Up the Headboard
Whether you’re working with a wall or a headboard, this restful inversion will help you get grounded and centered for the day.
Sit perpendicular to your wall or headboard, then carefully swing your legs up to rest on the surface. Make it extra cozy by placing a pillow underneath your hips, head, and maybe one under each arm.
Want to practice a full-length yoga class with Hiro Landazuri? Get flowing with a free 14-day trial to Alo Moves.