New Moon Rituals Based On Your Sign

Starry night sky through a red canyon.

It’s hard to deny the power of the moon. Simply sit along the shore of the sea and you’ll be able to see the Moon’s gravitational pull slowly but surely send the tide out and back in again. Not unlike those ever-changing waters, the moon regularly invites us to take note of its power and pull on our day-to-day lives. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the moon’s impact and how you can join in on the celestial celebrations, one phase you’ll want to be sure to take heed of is the new moon. Like a blank page, the new moon symbolizes the beginning of a new lunar cycle and chapter of your story. On this night, delve into the darkness of the empty sky and set your intentions for this chapter. What do you hope to achieve in that time? What steps should you take to ensure you are well? 

Read on to see our recommendations for your next new moon celebration based on your zodiac sign. Bonus: You can also see which sign the new moon will be in each month (using a calendar like this one) and try the suggested practice for that sign to embrace where the moon is in the sky that month.

Capricorn horoscope symbol


You may feel some opposition to a new moon since you tend to be in a constant state of go, and this phase is flashing a red sign telling you to stop. Don’t view this as an interruption that’s taking your eyes off the prize, but rather a chance to refine your vision to better focus on the path ahead. Skip the list-making and set your mind on growth. Tap into the earthly elements of your sign by working in your garden, repotting one of your house plants, or even just making a delicious plant-based meal. By utilizing your sense of touch, you'll be grounded and reminded of how you play a part in our ever-evolving ecosystem.

For further reading, try easy-care plants for your home, how to do a garden meditation, or this grounding curry recipe.

Aquarius horoscope symbol


You’re known as an innovator with the power to unite. But working to push yourself and your communities forward into a brighter future is not an easy balancing act to achieve week over week. Allow yourself to step back during the new moon to find inner balance through movement and breathwork. We recommend trying Hatha yoga: It will provide the fluidity you desire by moving through a set of asanas and breathing patterns, leaving you feeling connected to your sign’s element, Air. 

Try some of Alo Moves Hatha series, including Claudine Lafond’s 1,2,3 Hatha and Abiola Akanni’s Divine Hatha.

Pisces horoscope symbol


You may relate closely to the moon, as your tendency to daydream can leave you feeling a little spacey. To ensure you’re progressing towards your goals, use the start of a new lunar cycle to come back down to Earth, step away from distractions, and set your intentions. Grab a journal and pen to start writing down all of the ideas and inspiration in your head. By taking the time to put pen to paper, you’ll be able tap back into the physical world and create a crystal clear vision of your month ahead.  

Check out these journal prompts to help get you started.

Aries horoscope symbol


With a fire in your belly and a heart full of passion, you’re not one to shy away from a challenge. You move about your day-to-day life with a level of determination many others aspire to. How can you continue to support others while focusing on your own wellness? As cliché as it may sound, our advice is simple: Listen to your heart.

There are endless ways to tap into your heart's energy. For you, Aries, we suggest trying high-intensity interval training (also known as HIIT) to get your heart pumping, yoga flows with lots of backbends, and heart-healing sound baths.

Taurus horoscope symbol


Like your fellow Earth sign Capricorn, you work hard to find success in both your personal and professional life. With so much going on, your internal monologue may be noisy, distracted, or even overwhelmed. On the days surrounding the new moon, try to find ways to connect to the tranquility of nature. This can be done by getting outdoors for a hike, taking your pet for a walk around your neighborhood, or by just opening up a window and taking a few minutes to breathe the fresh air into your body.

Looking for ways to connect with nature without leaving your home? Check out our Visual Breathwork Journeys and our Earth Flows Spotify playlist.

Gemini horoscope symbol


Much of your time under the stars is spent asking the who, what, when, and why of the universe. You have a gift for learning, and can often be found diving into newfound knowledge on a variety of subject matters. You want to be in the know, and the day of the new moon is no exception. Spend the night of the new moon exploring either your latest fascination or something completely out of your wheelhouse. Who knows what discovery may unfold and how that knowledge will empower you later down the road?

For inspiration, read our blog posts on lunar gardening, books on mindfulness, and how to conduct a tea meditation.

Cancer horoscope symbol


Whoever originally said “home is where the heart is” was probably a Cancer. As the sign that feels best when in the comfort of their own home, the new moon is a fantastic time to analyze what’s working and what’s not working in your space. Like the red, shiny shell of a crab, you put a lot of pride into your home and feel recharged in it. Mark your calendars and set the day of the new moon as your day to find inspiration in your home. Cleanse it with lit incense, rearrange furniture to achieve a better flow, or even paint your walls for a new pop of color. Doing this each month will ensure you feel grounded, calm, and collected for the weeks to come. 

Hit play on our De-Stress and Calm Spotify playlist to help you groove while you work.

Leo horoscope symbol


With the sun as your ruling planet, you may roll your eyes at the thought of celebrating the moon, but just like the balance of Yin and Yang, you should embrace the opposing energy of the dark new moon. Turn your lion’s roar, which is usually used to communicate with others, towards speaking love and abundance towards yourself. By reaffirming these thoughts and feelings in support of your own wellness, you’ll be better prepared to use your light to help others.  

Try a variety of mantra meditations like Sah D'Simone’s “I AM” Mantra Meditation and Mantra Meditation from Jackie Stewart’s Explore Meditation series.

Virgo horoscope symbol


While other signs need to use this time to create lists of the things they want to accomplish during the next lunar cycle, we know you already have an ongoing list (or three) in the works. Instead, let the dark sky on the night of the new moon serve as your chance to embrace stillness and peace of mind. This ritual can be as simple as taking 15 or 20 minutes to stretch before bed. If you feel like pushing yourself deeper, explore Yoga Nidra. 

Find out what to expect and the benefits of Yoga Nidra, then explore all the Yoga Nidra classes on Alo Moves.

Libra horoscope symbol


Others may be inclined to wallow in what could have been, but you, dear Libra, view the start of a new chapter as something to celebrate — and moon phases are just that. The new moon marks the beginning of the next lunar cycle and your chance to create another month of magic. You’re one of the most socially savvy signs, and you often leave group situations feeling a bolt of fresh enthusiasm. Because of this, you should plan time with your loved ones in the days surrounding the new moon. Whether it’s a virtual catch up session, a casual stroll through the park with a pal, or working up a sweat with one of the buddy workout classes from Alo In The Wild, time together will help you start the next lunar cycle feeling inspired and energized.

Scorpio horoscope symbol


While you can be sensitive like your sister signs Pisces and Cancer, within the mind of a Scorpio is a strong balance of emotion and analytical thinking. What you may need to see and feel each month to maintain equilibrium can vary greatly.

Our new moon ritual recommendation is to explore media that helps you achieve that balance. Want to dive deep into the foundations of psyche? Explore a new podcast this month. Feeling like turning up the nostalgia and potentially having a good cry? Put on your favorite film from when you were growing up. Want to learn while connecting with your emotions? Hit play on an impactful docu-series. 

While you’re watching or listening, try the 4-7-8 breathing method to help you feel at ease.

Sagittarius horoscope symbol


Was that a bird? A plane? No, it’s a Sagittarius moving at record speed from one place to the next. Your spontaneity and eagerness to see and experience it all is admired by those who fall within the other zodiac signs. However, in your rush to move forward, it can be hard to visualize what you want to see when you get there. On the day of the new moon, take your foot off the gas and craft your vision of the future. This can be done with a poster board, magazine clippings, and a glue stick, or bring your vision board into the 21st century by creating monthly new moon vision boards on Pinterest! 

Looking for some Pin-spiration? Follow Alo Moves on Pinterest!

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