New: Get Daily Class Recommendations on Alo Moves


While you might not be able to have a trainer come into your home and recommend workouts, we have the next best thing on Alo Moves — customized daily class recommendations for yoga, fitness, and meditation. 


In our newest feature on web and iOS, you’ll find three daily class recommendations at the top of your homepage when you’re signed in to your Alo Moves account. These three classes will be refreshed every day to bring you something new.


To get customized class recommendations on Alo Moves, new and existing users will see a prompt to take a survey after signing in to their Alo Moves account. 


You’ll get the chance to fill out your preferences, including workout goals, fitness level, class styles you’re curious about, and instructor personalities. Based on your answers, we’ll recommend three classes for you every day. 


Want to change something about your answers? You can take the survey as many times as you want. On desktop, click the profile icon at the upper-right corner of the screen and click “Settings.” Then click “Survey Settings” and “Retake Survey.” On mobile, click the menu icon at the top left corner and click “Settings,” then click “Retake Survey.”

Happy practicing!