5 Feel-Good Stretches for Tight Hips

increase hip flexibility three legged dog

Are your hips tight from sitting, running, cycling, or one of the many daily activities that constricts the hip flexors? In addition to causing discomfort, having tight hips over time can lead to lower back pain and possible injury. Keep your hips healthy with this short yoga sequence for tight hips.



Phyllicia Bonanno Supine Twist

This pose will stretch your core and the front of your hips. Start by lying flat on your belly. Place your palms on the ground on either side of your chest. Slowly push your upper body off the ground and feel the stretch through your core and hips. Feel free to point your gaze straight ahead or tilt your head back and open through your neck for a deeper stretch.


increase hip flexibility camel pose

This pose will give you a stretch through the fronts of your quads — perfect for avid runners. To do this pose, start in a kneeling position with your shins on the ground and body upright. On an exhale, stretch your arms behind you and reach toward your ankles, or grab your ankles if it's within your practice. Take a few deep breaths while you feel your chest and hips open.


three legged downward dog pose hip flexibility

This Downward Dog modification will give you a great stretch through your hip flexors. Start in downward dog with your palms flat on the ground. Then, lift one leg high up into the air. Next, bend your lifted knee and flex your foot, creating right angles in both your knee and ankle joints. 


crescent lunge yoga pose for hip flexibility

This pose will open your heart, hone your balance, strengthen your lower body, and relieve back pain. Start in downward dog and step one of your feet between your hands at the front of your mat. Stay on the ball of your back foot and make a 90-degree angle with your front leg, both feet facing forward. Lift your torso upright, then stretch your arms high above your head. Stretch through the heel of your back foot while rooting down through both feet. Enjoy the stretch through your upper thigh and hip of your back leg. Hold the pose for as long as you wish, then switch legs.


Phyllicia Bonanno fish pose

Cow Face Pose targets the outside of your hips. Start in a seated position with your legs straight out in front of you and your upper body stretching up tall. Slowly slide your left foot under your right leg so your left foot is near your right hip. Then, slide your right leg over your left so your right foot is near your left hip. Try to sit equally on both sitting bones and stretch tall through your upper body. Sink deeper into the stretch with each breath. You can also choose to fold forward.

Need some more stretches for your hips? Check out these classes on Alo Moves: