Post-Holiday Meal Yoga: 6 Poses That Promote Digestion

Yoga for digestion

'Tis the season for festive food, and sometimes along with that, bloat and digestive issues. It’s no secret how beneficial yoga can be for our mental and physical health, but did you know it can also aid with digestion? Below, we’ve detailed seven yoga poses that will improve your digestion, massage your abdominal organs, and boost metabolism and blood circulation to keep things moving so you can power through the holiday season feeling your best.

cat cow yoga pose


Belly-friendly benefits: Massages and stimulates organs in the belly; stretches the hips, spine, abdomen, and back; encourages movement in your digestive system.

Come onto all fours on your mat. Position your wrists directly under your shoulders and align your knees with your hips, keeping your knees and shins hip-width apart. While you inhale, drop your belly toward the mat, roll your shoulders back, and lift your chin and chest toward the sky for Cow pose. As you exhale, move into Cat pose by rounding your spine to the ceiling while carving your belly in toward your spine and looking in at your navel. Inhale and come back to Cow pose, exhale and return to Cat pose. Repeat.

upward dog yoga pose

Upward Dog

Belly-friendly benefits:  Stimulates the internal organs, stretches the abdomen.

Begin in Downward Dog and rock forward to Plank. Lower down to Chaturanga and transition to Upward Dog by straightening your elbows and placing the tops of your feet on the mat. Lift your thighs off the floor and open your chest. To come out of this pose, tuck your toes and draw back into Downward Dog.

reclined twist yin yoga

Reclined Twist

Belly-friendly benefits:  Massages the abdominal organs, tones and strengthens the abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back with your arms stretched out.  Bend your right knee and cross it over to the left side of the mat, finding a gentle stack of the hips, right over left. Place your left hand on your bent right knee to gently deepen the twist. Keep your shoulders square and pressed into the floor. Hold the twist for 30 seconds, release, and repeat on your left side.

half lord of the fishes yoga pose

Half Lord of the Fishes

Belly-friendly benefits:  Improves digestion, promotes movement in your digestive system and elimination of wastes, tones and strengthens your abs and obliques.

Start in a seated position with your legs out in front of you. Bend your left knee and bring your right leg underneath it, bending at the knee as well. Take your left leg and cross it over the right — your left outside ankle should touch your right knee. Place your left arm behind you and lift through your right arm on an inhale. Twist on the exhale as you bring your right arm to the outside of your left thigh. Extend through your spine on each inhale, deepen your twist on each exhale. Repeat on the other side.

seated forward fold yoga pose

Seated Forward Fold

Belly-friendly benefits:  Improves digestion, stimulates internal organs.

Start by sitting on your mat with your legs stretched in front of you. Engage your legs, flex your toes, and as you inhale, sweep your hands up. As you exhale, bend forward from your hips, keeping your spine straight, and reach your hands around the outer edges of your feet. Inhale and lengthen your spine, exhale and lower the crown of your head toward your feet. Hold this deep stretch and release into the pose, lowering your head completely and staying for several breaths.

boat yoga pose

Boat Pose

Belly-friendly benefits:  Stimulates the intestines, promotes digestion, tones and strengthens the abdominal muscles.

Start seated and bend your knees. Lift your feet, placing your toes on your mat, and curve the soles of your feet. Bring your fingertips behind you to steady and support yourself. While engaging your core, lean back onto your fingertips and lift your feet until your shins are parallel to the floor. Extend your arms forward, also keeping them parallel to the floor. Engage your core and gently squeeze your thighs as you extend your legs and form your body into a “V” shape.

Want to practice with full-length classes? Try our Post-Meal Heal yoga playlist on Alo Moves.