How to Do Pigeon Pose In Yoga | Yoga 101
Learn Pigeon Pose instructions, benefits, variations, and modifications with Alo Moves yoga instructor Tawny Janae.
Pigeon Pose seems to be everyone’s favorite hip-opener. Named for its puffed-out chest in the upright variation, it’s well-loved for its ability to be scaled to any level. You can make it soft and restorative by folding, or deep and flexibility-focused by remaining upright. Not to mention the countless Pigeon variations while reclining, twisted, and even flying — no wonder it’s a crowd-pleaser taught in so many yoga classes.
We’re breaking down everything you need to know about Pigeon Pose with insight from Tawny Janae, certified yoga teacher and Alo Moves instructor.
Benefits of Pigeon Pose
Stretches quads, hips, groin, and glutes
When upright, stretches chest, shoulders, and spine
Activates and stretches hamstrings
Stretches your piriformis, the flat, narrow muscle located deep in your glutes
Relieves sciatic nerve pain
Improves posture when upright
An awesome stretch for all types of activity levels — people who sit all day, people who exercise, and active athletes
Prep Poses for Pigeon Pose
Figure 4 Stretch
Bridge Pose
Locust Pose
Hip Circles in Tabletop or Downward Dog
Low Lunge
Follow the first 30 seconds of this tutorial to learn Upright Pigeon Pose.
How to Do Pigeon Pose Step by Step
Beginning in Table Top Pose or Downward Dog, lift your right leg high to the sky.
Bring your right knee to your nose, then rest your right shin on the floor.
Lower your hips to the mat with your left leg extended behind you. Position your right knee wide outside of your left hip.
Keep your front heel close to your groin with your toes pointed. If your front shin is more parallel with the top of your mat, make sure you flex your foot and press the blade edge of your foot into the floor.
Note: This variation requires a lot of flexibility and can put strain on your front knee, so don’t force your front shin parallel if it’s not comfortable.Scissor your hips toward one another and slide your right hip back and left hip forward so your hips are level and square. Make sure your back-leg hip, knee, and leg are in one line.
Inhale to lengthen your spine tall. Exhale to stay lifted or fold your upper body forward. Stay for around 1-5 minutes, then take Downward Dog as a counterpose.
Repeat the steps on the other side.
Pigeon Pose Tips
Keep a soft jaw. “There’s this curious connection between your hips and your jaw,” says Tawny. Remind yourself to soften your jaw, your hips, and your tongue.”
Keep your front knee wide. “We’re trying to open the psoas, the groin, the piriformis, the muscle deep inside your glutes,” says Tawny. “And you do that by keeping your knee out wide.”
Stay at your edge in the upright variation. When lifting your chest up, stop if you feel discomfort in your hips or groin and stay there or lower down. Breathe through the stretch.
Breathe deeply in the stretch. Inflate your belly, ribs, and chest. This stretches your intercostal muscles, creates presence in your body, and helps you soften deeper into the stretch. “Completely surrender and be OK with all the sensations in your hips, not letting it hijack your emotions.”
If it doesn’t feel good, don’t do it. Try one of the more restorative Pigeon Pose variations or prep poses instead.
Who Should Not Do Pigeon Pose?
Avoid Pigeon Pose or approach the shape with caution if you have issues with your ankles, knees, lower back, or hips. Take it nice and slow if you are experiencing stiffness or tightness in your hips. Remember — there are many other hip stretches that might feel better for your body. Please consult your doctor or a medical expert if you have questions regarding poses for your body’s needs.
Pigeon Pose Modifications
Support your hips with a block, cushion, or blanket underneath your hips to keep them in a level and square position.
If this pose is uncomfortable, take Reclined Figure 4 Stretch instead. Lower down to your back and bend your knees. Place your right ankle on top of your left thigh, flex your right foot, and hug your legs into your chest. Interlace your fingers over your right shin or under your right thigh.
If you feel any pain while upright, try folding forward instead.
Support your upper body with a pillow or bolster if you’re folding forward to make this pose more restorative.
Advanced Pigeon Pose Variations
Mermaid Pose
Pigeon Pose with Quad Stretch