Fun Pose Friday: Eka Pada Push-Ups

Ashley Galvin doing Eka Pada Push-Ups

Just when you thought push-ups couldn’t get any more challenging, here’s a fun yoga-inspired variation to keep you on your toes: Eka Pada Push-Ups.

You might be familiar with Eka Pada Koundinyasana II, a fun and challenging arm balance that works your entire body. This Eka Pada Push-Up can help you build strength and flexibility to help you enter the full arm balance, and there’s a bent-leg option for those who can’t extend their full leg just yet.

How to Do Eka Pada Push-Ups

  1. Begin in Downward Facing Dog. Inhale to come high on your toes, and exhale to glide forward into Plank Pose. 

  2. Inhale to lift your right leg, and exhale to either bring your right knee to the outside of your right tricep or right inner thigh to the outside of your right tricep. 

  3. Inhale to bend your arms and lower down halfway for a push-up, then exhale to press back up. That’s one rep. Complete three reps, then glide back to Downward Dog. Complete for two more rounds on this side, then switch legs.

Want to see more moves like this? Tune into Ashley Galvin’s power vinyasa series, The Vinyasa Collection. Start your free 14-day trial to Alo Moves today.