10 Alo Moves Yoga Classes for Beginners

DJ practicing Vinyasa Kickstart

When you’re new to yoga, there’s a lot to take in: the poses (and their names, both in English and Sanskrit), the focused breath, all the different styles to try, and the list goes on. But, with practice comes understanding. While it might seem intimidating at first, having the right teacher and the right class can make a world of a difference. We’ve rounded up ten of some of our best Alo Moves yoga classes for beginners. Some practice different skills, while others focus on different styles.

The great thing about learning yoga online from the comfort of your own home is you don’t have to spend the class desperately scanning the room to see if you’re doing the pose right. You can simply pause the video where you’re at, go back if you need to, and repeat as many times necessary until you feel confident to move on. Ready to get started? Check out some of our favorite beginner classes.

Claudine practicing Beginner's Guide to Balance

Beginner’s Guide to Balance with Claudine Lafond

In yoga, balance is key to maintaining stillness in your poses, allowing you to surrender fully to your practice with a calm and focused mind. Your breath, muscles, eyesight, central nervous system, and inner ear all work together to keep you steady, and when you’re new to yoga, perfecting your balance can be one of the more challenging aspects to overcome. In Beginner’s Guide to Balance with Claudine Lafond, you’ll practice a few key balancing poses like Tree, Half Moon, and Eagle to build strength and stability.


Jared practicing Back To Basics

Back to Basics with Jared McCann

This class moves at a comfortable pace with lots of clear instruction that’s ideal for beginners. You’ll practice classic yoga poses like Mountain, Warrior I and II, and Cobra while you stretch and strengthen your entire body.

Meghan practicing Sweet Surrender

Sweet Surrender with Meghan Currie

Yin yoga is an ideal style of yoga for beginners because it moves at a slower pace and is mostly done while seated. Poses in yin yoga are held for a longer amount of time and focus on the deep connective tissues in your body, which ultimately makes you more flexible, improves your circulation, and reduces stress. In Sweet Surrender, you’ll have the opportunity to use yoga props like blocks and a bolster to support you while you practice deep stretches and heart and hip openers. Don’t have props at home? A pillow or couch cushion can also work wonders.

DJ practicing Vinyasa Kickstart

Vinyasa Kickstart with DJ Townsel

Even if you’re at the beginning of your yoga journey, don’t let the faster pace of vinyasa classes dissuade you. In Vinyasa Kickstart, you’ll get a taste of what it means to practice a dynamic flow with modifications as necessary, and may even come to prefer it over slower, more meditative styles.

Phyllicia practicing Flow Foundations

Beginner Flow Foundations with Phyllicia Bonanno

There are some yoga poses you’ll see again and again as you begin your yoga journey. Get an introduction to some of the essential yoga postures like Downward-Facing Dog, Tree, and Warrior I so you can practice them with confidence.

Patrick practicing Yoga for Better Posture

Yoga for Better Posture with Patrick Beach

A lot of people are turning to yoga to combat all the extra sitting as a result of many having to work from home (here are some stretches you can do from your desk!). In this class, you’ll work out lower back pain and improve your posture as you experiment with beginner backbends like Upward Facing Dog and Warrior III.

Naya practicing Release the Day

Release the Day with Naya Rappaport

Creating a nighttime routine that includes yoga is one of the best ways to wind down and treat your body to soothing stretches that destress and promote better, more restful sleep. In this class, you’ll practice exercises that activate the parasympathetic system, which triggers a calming sensation in both the mind and body.

Yoga Cool Down with Calvin Corzine

In this gentle cool-down class that’s tailored for athletes and gym lovers, you’ll treat your fatigued, post-workout muscles to some refreshing yogic recovery.

Sun Salutation: A Breakdown with Briohny

Sun Salutation A is a key element of a vinyasa-style yoga practice. In this class, you’ll practice each movement slowly and intentionally while building your overall strength and flexibility. You’ll also learn key alignment and modifications for foundational poses like Downward Dog, Upward Dog, and Cobra.

Dylan practicing Full Body Flexibility

Full Body Flexibility for Beginners with Dylan Werner

Gaining flexibility is practice in playing the long game, but one that is essential to fully enjoying yoga. In this hour-long class, you’ll warm up with some dynamic moves to build heat, work into mobility exercises to increase your range of motion, and finally move into slow, feel-good stretches.

Try these classes for free and unlock the rest of our entire library for two weeks with a 14-day trial to Alo Moves.