How to Set Up An Outdoor Meditation Space

The outdoors are welcoming and soothing, inviting us to bring our meditation practice into the open air. While you can meditate anytime and anywhere, it helps to have a peaceful, intentional space.

Maybe you already have an indoor meditation space that you want to move into the sunlight — or maybe you feel uniquely called to create a natural sanctuary. Try these ideas to create an oasis that serves you in your yard, patio, or balcony.


Start with comfort

A supportive meditation space is one where you feel comfortable, and there are a lot more variables outside than inside. Think about what position you like to meditate in — sitting, walking, standing, reclining — and center that in your design, keeping your environment in mind. If you like a cushion on the ground, optimize your plan so it can be as plush as possible. If you like some room to move, make sure you’re carving out plenty of open space.



A stable surface, like a rock, deck, or bench, will help you hold your ideal posture with less distraction.

surround yourself with greenery

Plants can promote serenity in your space, add beautiful smells, and separate your sanctuary from the outside world. If you have outdoor plantings already, you could work in foliage you already have, invest in bold plants to surround yourself with (a hanging pothos can make a pretty screen), or set up a small collection of plants that bring you joy.

incorporate sound

Make sure you have a relaxing, distraction-free environment that allows you to be in the moment. Dampen outdoor noises with sounds you find soothing, like a wind chime or a rain chain.

build an altar

You don’t need an altar to meditate, but it can certainly help — and outdoors, it can be as simple as a large, flat stone. Use it to display personally meaningful or sacred objects, place crystals, or burn incense.

Incorporate the elements

Earth, air, fire, water: You may not be able to fit all of these elements in, but consider where they could work. Is there a sheltered enough space to light a candle — or can you create a soft glow with string lights? Can you incorporate stone or sand in your decoration? Is there room for a gravity fountain? Get creative!

consider crystals

Crystals are thought to work with our body’s energy field to promote healing, with different crystals having different qualities that cater to different needs. Different crystals promote spiritual and emotional healing, focus, self-esteem, and intuition, so consider your goals for your meditation practice and perhaps keep a small supply on-hand if you feel they’d be of help to you. Crystal healing not for you? They can still make a wonderful meditation focus. 


add some privacy

It’s hard to meditate when you can see all your neighbors, and vice versa. Make a little alcove for yourself, whether with a simple folding screen, some gauzy curtains, or terraces with your favorite climbing plants. You could also set up among trees you already have.


shelter your space

Protect your sanctuary and save yourself from getting waterlogged or sunburnt! If weather is a potential issue, a sheltered space can be as simple as setting up on an already-covered porch — or as elaborate as building your own patio cover. For an easily adjustable option, you could also incorporate a pop-up shelter, patio umbrella, or beach tent, as your aesthetic allows. Alternatively, you could incorporate some weatherproof storage for your things.


stock up on blankets

Some comfy blankets can shelter you when the weather gets chilly — or can help you find a comfortable seat when folded or rolled.



While building the space is a journey on its own, don’t force yourself into perfection — just start your practice. You can always adjust along the way.

Outdoor Meditation On the Go


Many of us don’t have access to a private outdoor space, but don’t let that stop you from outdoor meditation! Anywhere with a meditation-friendly surface or path and outdoor elements will do: Find a wide rock on a beach, a relatively secluded park bench, or a safe spot in the woods. Props aren’t necessary, but a yoga mat can help provide a smooth surface and blankets can keep you from getting too chilly. Even a meaningful crystal could help get you into meditation mode.

Guided Meditations for Outdoor Practice


Take Alo Moves guided meditation classes with you on the go — if you’re going to a place with no signal, you can save classes offline on the app.



Walking Meditation with Jackie Stewart

All you need is a place to walk (or otherwise move about) to practice this meditation on mindfulness and movement.

Rise and Shine with Avery Whitmore

Welcome the sun each morning with this sound bath meditation that guides you through your senses for present-moment awareness.


Ocean Meditation Journey with Jackie Stewart

This meditation is designed to go with the beautiful sights of the ocean. The class includes video, but taking your practice to the actual ocean is even better.

Welcome Appreciation with Kirat Randhawa

Notice the subtle beauty of your surroundings and feel how your body responds to the world around you in this morning meditation.


Break in your fancy new outdoor space — or find your flow state indoors — with hundreds of meditation classes, available for free with a two-week trial to

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