Your February 2020 Yoga Horoscopes ✨

Starry night sky through a red canyon.

With the dawn of dreamy Pisces season and Mercury in retrograde once again, February is shaping up to be an expressive, emotional, and surprising month! Read on to discover your February 2020 yoga horoscope. (Plus, check out our new horoscope playlists on Spotify!)



Happy birthday, Aquarius! Expressive Mercury enters dreamy Pisces on February 3, allowing you to connect more deeply with your emotions. While these sensitive moments may catch your analytical self off guard, try to embrace the feeling and lean into your support system. Channel your feelings into a journal or confide in a trusted friend or partner. This yoga and meditation playlist will help you tap into your heart space.

Check out the Aquarius playlist on Spotify.



Your go-with-the-flow perspective will come in handy this month as Pisces season begins on February 18. Though life isn’t always smooth sailing, you tend to float comfortably in what others might view as murky or unclear waters. This patience will serve you well during any potential communication hiccups due to Mercury’s retrograde. Continue harnessing this calm energy through yoga and meditation, and use this time to recharge and think about where you see yourself in the upcoming months.

Check out the Pisces playlist on Spotify.



Bold and confident Aries, you don’t mess around when it comes to matters of the heart. As love and beauty planet Venus enters your sign on February 7, you may find yourself being even more direct and forthcoming in your communication with others — after all, you know what you want. But while your social life might be thriving, make sure to invest in your internal life as well. Meditation, journaling, and taking time for your favorite hobbies are great ways to help you reconnect with yourself.

Check out the Aries playlist on Spotify.



Remember Taurus — life changes just as much as you want it to. This month sees you stepping up to the plate, asking for what you want, and earning what you rightly deserve. February’s full moon in fiery Leo is setting you up for success in your work-related endeavors. Make those bold moves and know that it is your hard work that brought you where you are today. Channel your inner fire with these powerful, confidence-boosting classes.

Check out the Taurus playlist on Spotify.



Prepare for a surge of productive energy. On February 16, active Mars enters hardworking Capricorn, which sees you knocking out tasks like nobody’s business. This is the best time to tackle those bottom-of-the-list projects, like deep cleaning your yoga mat and hitting inbox zero at work. Don’t let any glitches from Mercury’s retrograde stop you from doing your thing — this month’s playlist will help you keep focus.

Check out the Gemini playlist on Spotify.



Though Mercury’s retrograde might cause some spotty communication, your internal connection is crystal clear this month. Psychic Pisces season begins on February 18, giving you some much-needed insight on some important matters. Don’t ignore your intuition at this time. Coupled with the new moon in Pisces on February 23, this is an excellent time to reset your course and harness some new moon intentions. Get into that reflective mood with this month’s yoga and meditation playlist.

Check out the Cancer playlist on Spotify.



Passionate and big-hearted Leo, it’s time to give yourself the love that you so freely share with others. When the full moon arrives in your fiery sign on February 9, it will ask you to focus your attention on yourself.  What is it that you need this month? Use the charged, emotional energy of the full moon to illuminate your needs. When you fill your own cup, you have more to share with those you love. Try these yoga and meditation classes to connect to your heart space.

Check out the Leo playlist on Spotify.



You know what they say — you can run, but you can’t hide, Virgo! If you’ve been pushing aside certain projects or feelings, now’s the time to bring them to the surface. Devote at least one day to a solid planning session — or even a solid nap (which helps with problem solving). This month’s full moon in Leo illuminates the sector of your chart that rules sleep and solitude, so take time to draw in and work with your inner landscape. These classes will help you hone your creative energy.

Check out the Virgo playlist on Spotify.

libra sign


Let’s get nostalgic, Libra. Mercury retrograde is a great time to reconnect with your roots and revisit the past. Take a look at your progress in health and wellness over the past few years — are you making better daily choices? Applaud yourself for how far you’ve come, and resolve to break out of any unhealthy habits by February 20, as Jupiter and Neptune’s connection calls for a brighter outlook and forward momentum. These classes will help you kickstart your wellness routine.

Check out the Libra playlist on Spotify.



This month, expect the unexpected. Action planet Mars connects with electric Uranus on February 21, creating a whirlwind of spontaneous energy. Now’s the time to soak up the feel-good vibes of Pisces season and just go with the flow. Join a friend for a spontaneous hike, sign up for a last-minute yoga class, or try out a new arm balance — even if you fall on your face, you’ll have loads of fun doing it! Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Walk on the wild side with these adventurous yoga classes. 

Check out the Scorpio playlist on Spotify.



There’s no place like home, and you deserve the most restful retreat after a busy month. February’s new moon in introspective Pisces calls for a good old-fashioned deep clean of both your physical and mental space. Clearing out the clutter and dusting out every corner can bring clarity in more ways than one. Follow these tips to detoxify your home, then check out these yoga and meditation classes to create space within.

Check out the Sagittarius playlist on Spotify.



This month is all about connection — and not just the romantic kind. The Valentine’s Day moon in Scorpio shines a light on your social sector, making it an excellent time for group gatherings. Invite your friends over for a yoga session, arrange a spa-day staycation, or start that book club you’ve been meaning to make. A day to yourself is nice, but recharging with friends will help you relieve stress and give you the support you need. Flow together with these fun yoga classes to do as a group.

Check out the Capricorn playlist on Spotify.