Your April 2020 Yoga Horoscopes ✨

Starry night sky through a red canyon.

As we all enter a phase of transition, we are reminded of this quote: “The only constant thing in life is change.” This month, we’ve been relying on our favorite wellness rituals and self-care habits to keep us grounded and sane through transition. Whatever that ritual is for you — be it writing, communicating with loved ones, art, music, reading, gardening, or movement — lean on that, and use this time to take care of yourself. You can weather this storm.

Read on to find your monthly wellness horoscope, and tune in to our new horoscope playlists on Spotify.



On April 3, sociable Venus enters Gemini, prompting you to reach out to your circle of friends and family. Though we might be physically distant from the people in our lives, there are a multitude of ways to connect with those you care about. Set up a video chat or phone call to check in and catch up with an old friend. Organize a virtual game night. If you’re quarantined with someone, do a yoga class together. These yoga and meditation classes are perfect for fostering connection.

Check out the Aries playlist on Spotify.



Taurus season begins on April 19 — meaning there’s a whole lot of self-care and indulgence coming your way. With loving and abundant Venus as your ruling planet, you tend to appreciate the more soothing and serene rituals in your week. Give yourself a digital detox to celebrate. Soak in a luxurious bath, make time for your favorite hobbies, journal, meditate, and indulge in a slow stretch. These yoga and meditation classes are perfect for your staycation.

Check out the Taurus playlist on Spotify.



Slow-and-steady Taurus season begins on April 19, which counteracts your do-everything, energetic nature. Your emotions or stress levels might feel extra-heightened right now, but this new season ushers in a chance for you to introduce more calming rituals into your day. Try shifting to a morning routine of yoga, exercise, or meditation to slow things down and cultivate space in your life.

Check out the Gemini playlist on Spotify.



As someone who values their time at home, you might be feeling in your element. However, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. Set aside time to virtually connect with your friends and family, or indulge in a favorite hobby or self-care ritual when you feel like you’re in a rut. Next time you’re feeling stuck, perhaps you need a little perspective shift — these inversion classes are sure to get your creative gears turning.

Check out the Cancer playlist on Spotify.



Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, goes retrograde on April 25. This transit asks us to look at what’s bubbling beneath the surface. As difficult as it may seem, especially now, it's time to remain as present as possible. Channel your radiant energy into your inner world, and let it pour forth through meditation, writing, and your favorite creative activities. When you come up for air, you will feel renewed. This playlist will help you find both stillness and rejuvenation.

Check out the Leo playlist on Spotify.



As a perfectionist, the unpredictability of this global situation might be getting to you. It’s OK to feel and work through these emotions, especially in a method that works best for you. As we enter Taurus season on April 19, now is the time to take your energy out of the external world and move inward to focus on your wellness. Whenever your attention starts to waver toward anxious thoughts, root yourself back to what makes you grateful. These classes will help you let go and focus on the now.

Check out the Virgo playlist on Spotify.

libra sign


Hanging in there, Libra? As a social butterfly, you might feel as if your wings have been clipped. But there are many ways to create connection in times of solitude. First, connect to yourself with meditation and regular journaling. If you’re able to walk outside, take a stroll in nature. Finally, try jazzing up regular video chats with a fun activity — perhaps a group yoga or fitness session could be just what you need. We recommend moving along to these fun classes.

Check out the Libra playlist on Spotify.



Expressive Mercury enters fiery Aries on April 11, encouraging you to speak your ideas into action. Feeling limited at the moment? Seek out new and creative ways to go after your goals, even if it means that you remain in the planning stage. Write out your project ideas, dive into research, talk to mentors, friends, and accountability buddies. Use your downtime to prepare to make moves, and you’ll be well-positioned for your future. These fiery classes will give you the energy boost you need.

Check out the Scorpio playlist on Spotify.



Social Sagittarius — as the constant adventurer, this quarantine might have put a damper on many of your plans. But you’re also a mutable sign, meaning that your flexibility and adaptability will weather you well through this transition. While you’re seeking ways to maintain that sense of activity, remember to pause and take a breath in the moments between. These yoga and meditation classes will help you slow things down.

Check out the Sagittarius playlist on Spotify.



Hardworking Capricorn, your anxiety might feel extra heightened this month as current events throw a wrench into your routine. You can’t be everywhere and do all the things you would normally do. What happens after all the rooms are clean and house projects are finished? Tune out of your “doing” mind and tune into your “being” mind as Taurus season begins on April 19 — a season of self-care. Sip some hot tea, meditate, and put on your comfiest clothes for one of these restorative yoga sessions.

Check out the Capricorn playlist on Spotify.



As the philanthropist of the zodiac, you’ve probably been feeling a strong urge to move and act to help others — but it’s hard when you’re limited in your ability to go anywhere. Know that you’re doing the best you can, and sometimes the best thing you can do at the moment is take care of yourself. If you’re overwhelmed by all the virtual meetings, texts, and news, don’t be afraid to step back digitally — even if it means taking just one hour for yourself for movement. Try one of these classes.

Check out the Aquarius playlist on Spotify.



Pluto, planet of transformation, goes retrograde starting on April 25 and lasting until October 4. These next months ask us to pay attention to what’s swirling under the surface and work on what lies beneath. As a creative and intuitive soul, you’re well-positioned to work through these issues through your favorite hobbies. Spend some extra time in thought while taking care of your plants. Bask in the sun for an extra-long journaling session. Listen to your favorite album from start to finish. These classes will encourage reflection and introspection.

Check out the Pisces playlist on Spotify.