My Morning Routine: Calvin Corzine

Calvin Corzine yoga

Move, sleep, repeat — Calvin Corzine’s morning routine sounds like our ideal kind of day. Read on to learn how this Alo Moves instructor (and his adorable dog, Stella) greets the day ahead.

My days vary quite a bit, so here’s an example of one of my morning routines. I’m kinda boring and a creature of habit — I don’t eat until sometime between 12-2:00 p.m. and I don’t like to exercise at night, so my mornings mostly consist of working out. I need so much sleep, and sadly, my schedule isn't good for that. I’m a dork and go to bed around 9 p.m. most nights, haha. If my a.m. clients are out of town or if we are talking about Saturday, I’ll just sleep in until 10 or 11 a.m. Otherwise, I wake up super early. Whenever I am traveling or out of town, I crave routine — my weird schedule of being very active in the morning always keeps me grounded.


5:00 a.m. - Wake up, hop out of bed to feed and walk Stella, my dog. She doesn't like the snooze button nearly as much as I do and she makes it known if I try to catch extra Z’s.

Immediately after walking Stella, I boil water for green tea or MUD\WTR (look it up — it’s a dope coffee alternative with less caffeine).  I stopped drinking coffee like six months ago, so as soon as I relapse, it'll be coffee instead, haha. [Editor’s note: Shortly after submitting his morning routine, Calvin admitted to relapsing — he now drinks coffee in the morning again.]

6:00 a.m. - Teach a private lesson to one of my clients.

7:30 a.m. - Head home, walk the pup again, then take a solid nap (I told you, I need so much sleep).

11 a.m. - Head to the gym to train jiu-jitsu. I have been training jiu-jitsu since I was 17, so for about 18 years. I train about three to four times per week.

1:00 p.m. - First meal of the day — I rarely eat breakfast, but if I do, it’s eggs or something along those lines. I often don’t eat until this time, but when I do, I throw down. 

This article is part of our monthly blog series, My Morning Routine. Stay tuned each month as we highlight the morning routines of your favorite yoga teachers on Alo Moves!


Want to practice with Calvin Corzine? Check out his classes here.


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