New: Visual Breathwork Exercises

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Breathe in, breathe out. Take a moment for yourself with our new visual breathwork exercises on Alo Moves. 

With peaceful music and relaxing visuals, these five-minute guided breathwork videos are perfect to start your day, give you afternoon focus, or settle your body for sleep. In our new Visual Breathwork Exercises playlist, you’ll find five breathwork videos for quick relaxation, calm, balance, energy, and deep relaxation.

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork relates to intentionally changing your breathing pattern to reach a specific goal, such as relaxation or energy. Each breathwork practice you do can have a different effect on your body. Deep breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system, leading to a calmer and more relaxed state of mind. There are also breathwork techniques that can help boost your energy, focus, and alertness. Try integrating breathwork into your wellness routine and see what a difference it can make.

Visual Breathwork Exercises on Alo Moves

Choose a breathwork class to match your daily wellness needs.


Breathwork: Quick Relaxation

Reset your breath with this simple yet powerful technique for quick relaxation and focus. This breathing technique focuses on equal breaths in and equal breaths out, making this an easy and effective way to bring more calm to your body and mind.

Practice this Breathwork: Quick Relaxation class.


Breathwork: Calm

Calm anxiety and reduce stress with 2:6 breathing. This technique focuses on a longer exhale, bringing you to a state of peace and relaxation. This is also an excellent technique to practice before meditation.

Practice this Breathwork: Calm class.


Breathwork: Balance

Recenter your mind with box breathing. This technique focuses on all four corners of the breath: the inhale, breath hold, the exhale, and breath hold. By making full use of your breath, you will be able to calm and focus your mind.

Practice this Breathwork: Balance class.


Breathwork: Energize

Release stress and boost your energy with 7:11 breathing. By putting the emphasis on the exhale, relaxation flows through your body more quickly to support you in reaching a state of calm and focus.

Practice this Breathwork: Energize class.


Breathwork: Deep Relaxation

Also known as “relaxing breath,” the 4:7:8 technique focuses on breathing in for 4 seconds, holding for 7 seconds, and exhaling breath for 8 seconds. This deep rhythmic breathing pattern is known to bring you deep relaxation and help you drift off into restful sleep.

Practice this Breathwork: Deep Relaxation class.

Want to practice these guided breathwork videos and other mindfulness classes on Alo Moves? Start your free 14-day trial today.