A Note From Our CEO
To our Alo Moves community,
We are living in a historical time of change — and that change is long overdue. Systemic racism persists in the United States, and in this moment of time, not only is that injustice being given its overdue spotlight, but people, communities, companies, and countries are taking the time to listen, learn, and take action.
We cannot ignore the facts: Black people are unfairly and disproportionately burdened economically, emotionally, and psychologically with the stress that comes from daily racism and discrimination. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves on how we can avoid contributing to the cycle, offer resources that help the community, and use our platform for good.
A post on social media is not enough. Everyday action is required to eradicate racism and help all people and institutions see that we are one. To start, we are making the following company-wide commitments:
We will listen. This week, we won’t be promoting any Alo Moves content on our social channels to give more space for the more relevant and prominent voices in the Black Lives Matter movement.
We will learn. I am working with our leadership to compile resources to educate ourselves and our employees on the issues, challenges, and actions that we all can take, both internally at Alo Moves, as well as externally in our personal lives.
We will amplify the voices of others. Our voice is not the voice that matters right now. We will continue to use our platform and social media channels to help amplify the voices of the Black community.
We will contribute to others. We realize actions speak louder than words. In addition to our donations to Black Visions Collective and Campaign Zero, we will also be matching our employees’ donations to organizations of their choosing.
We remain committed to building a diverse, inclusive, and anti-racist workplace. We fully acknowledge that we have more work to do to uphold the banner of unity in diversity, and build a diverse, inclusive, and anti-racist community — both for our workplace and our broader community.We always welcome the chance for dialogue. Please email support@alomoves.com with any suggestions you’d like to share, anything you’d like to see from us, or any resources you have found helpful during this time.
Paul Javid
CEO of Alo Moves