Pose Breakdown: Chaturanga


Chaturanga Dandasana, or Four-Limbed Staff Pose, is an essential part of the Sun Salutation sequence that is commonly practiced in yoga classes. While it’s easy to mentally check out and robotically move through it, you’ll experience the full benefits of this low Plank by moving with safe, mindful alignment. 

Getting the correct form down can be a common issue for yoga beginners, but is essential for avoiding shoulder and wrist injuries. As you practice, be sure to keep your core engaged, your elbows tucked into your sides and stacked above your wrists, and your tailbone tucked in. If you’re struggling, working on your upper body strength before you re-attempt this pose is helpful as well.

Learn how to do Chaturanga Dandasana in this step-by-step video tutorial by Briohny Smyth. She will teach you the proper alignment and technique to help you safely move into Chaturanga.

Benefits of Chaturanga

  • Strengthens your arms, wrists, and back

  • Develops your core strength, endurance, and stability

  • Prepares your body for inversions and arm balances

  • Enhances body awareness

  • Improves posture

  • Lengthens your spine


How to do Chaturanga


Start in Plank. Make sure your hands are shoulder-distance apart and your hands are stacked over your wrists.


Stack the balls of your feet underneath your heels with your feet hip-distance apart.

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Shift forward to the tips of your toes, bringing your shoulders past your wrists.


Bend your elbows and squeeze them into your body, drawing your shoulder blades down your back. Bring your shoulders in line with your elbows.


Gaze down and keep your neck long.