11 Lizard Pose Variations to Open Your Hips in Yoga

Switch up your hip-opening yoga practice with one of these Lizard Pose variations.

Ah, Lizard Pose — you either love it, or you hate it and you’re learning to love it. This deep, hip-opening yoga stretch brings you close to the floor to relieve tension in your lower body. But once you’ve done it enough, you might be wondering how to spice it up. Add some flair to one of your favorite hip openers with these Lizard Pose variations from our Alo Moves yoga instructors that are designed to deepen the hip stretch, work other parts of your body, bring in support, or add a little bit of fun!

  1. Active Lizard Pose

Calvin Corzine in Active Lizard Pose

Deepen the hip stretch by coming into Lizard Pose and keeping your back knee lifted. Crawl your upper body forward to intensify the stretch.

2. Twisted Lizard Pose

Ashley Galvin in Twisted Lizard Pose

Add a twist to your Lizard Pose by rolling onto the outer edge of your front foot and placing the same side hand on your front inner thigh. Apply pressure outwards to open your hips more deeply and rotate your chest to the same side for a spinal release.

3. Lizard Pose on the Forearms

Jonah Kest in Lizard Pose

Take your Lizard Pose one step deeper by lowering onto your forearms or elevating your forearms on blocks.

4. Lizard Pose with Quad Stretch

Calvin Corzine doing Lizard Pose Quad Stretch

This Lizard Pose variation is so nice after a run or workout. Bend your back leg bringing your heel to your glutes and reach the opposite-side hand back to catch your foot (or use a yoga strap to reach) and get a nice twist. You can also reach the same-side hand back if it’s more comfortable, facing your chest down.


5. Lizard Pose with Foot on Block

Naya Rappaport in Lizard Pose with Foot on a Block

If you’re already deep in Lizard Pose, this variation with props will get you where you need to go to find more sensation. Place a block underneath your front foot and ease back into your fold.


6. Lizard Pose Twist with Hand Behind Head

Caley Alyssa in Lizard Pose Twist with Hand Behind Head

With one leg forward in Lizard Pose, place your same-side hand behind your head and ground the other hand to the mat. Inhale to lengthen your spine, and exhale to twist to your front-leg side of the mat. Your back leg can remain on the ground or bend in a quad stretch.


7. Lizard Pose Backbend

Briohny Smyth in Lizard Pose Backbend

From your Lizard Pose, walk your hands back to frame your hips and plant your fingertips to the ground or to blocks. Keeping your feet solidly anchored to the mat, inhale to lengthen your spine and exhale to open your heart to the sky, keeping your core engaged.

8. Revolved Lizard Pose

Eleonora Zampatti in Lizard Pose Backbend

Lift your torso upright in Lizard Pose and reach your arms to the sky on an inhale. As you exhale, twist your upper body to the same side as your front leg. Your arms can stretch out in a T-shape, or you can find a backbend by placing your opposite hand on the outside of your front leg and reaching your back arm to your back leg. Keep your core engaged and chest lifting high.

9. Bound Lizard Pose


This is a great bind to try after an upper-body-focused yoga warm-up! Come to Active Lizard Pose with your back knee lifted. Wrap your same-side arm under your front leg and wind your top arm behind your back. Connect your hands or use a yoga strap to assist. Keep your spine lengthening forward and back leg activated.

10. Flying Lizard pose


From Lizard Pose on your forearms, work your same-side arm under your front leg and lift your back knee off the ground. Spread your fingers wide and place your hands shoulder-width apart. Create a shelf with your arms by looking forward and shifting your whole body forward as you fold your upper body down halfway like you would for Chaturanga. Wrap your front leg around your same-side arm, point your toes, and when you’re ready to fly, extend forward and lift your back leg off the mat.

11. Flying Lizard pose on Blocks with Quad Stretch

Naya Rappaport doing Flying Lizard Pose on Blocks

This just might be peak Lizard Pose! Come to Flying Lizard but set it up with your hands on blocks. Once your back leg is lifted, bring your lifted-leg heel to your glutes. Gaze forward and lengthen forward to find balance. If you’re an arm-balance aficionado, you can even transition to Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2 from here.

Want to practice Lizard Pose in an online yoga class? Try some of these picks from Alo Moves with a 14-day free trial. 

King Pigeon Flow with Kayla Nielsen 

Energize & Open with Ashley Galvin 

Flexible Legs & Hips with Andrea Taylor