How To Do Ankle Stretch in Yin Yoga

You’re familiar with yoga for your legs, arms, and core — but how familiar are you with yoga poses for your ankles and feet? This often-ignored area needs some love too, and fortunately, Yin Yoga is here to slow things down and save the day with its targeted Ankle Stretch. 

Ankle Stretch is one of those love-hate poses that is a necessity for helping you build better balance in yoga and helping you work out the tension after a long day of placing weight on your feet. And, when paired with a Toe Stretch or Yogi Squat, it’s the perfect way to warm up or wind down. 

While this pose looks deceivingly simple, it can feel very intense. Make sure to go at your own pace and support yourself if needed without forcing. Build up your resilience for Ankle Stretch by breathing in the pose for a few seconds and coming back into it if needed. Over time, you can hold it for up to a minute (or maybe longer!) to enjoy a deeper stretch. If you feel any discomfort coming into the pose, that’s your cue to back off and find a different position.  

Benefits of Ankle Stretch 

  • Stretches your ankles and tops of your feet 

  • Builds ankle strength 

  • Improves your balance  

How to Do Ankle Stretch 

  1. Sit your hips on top of your heels in a kneeling position. Take your fingertips to the floor next to your hips or place them on blocks. 

  2. Sit back onto your heels and shift your weight back as you lift your knees off the floor. You’ll start to feel a stretching sensation around your ankles and tops of the feet. Allow your feet to relax. 

  3. Leave your hands where they are or take your hands to your knees. Keep your heart open and your gaze and breath steady.  

How to Modify Ankle Stretch 

  • If the cushion from your mat or floor isn’t enough, place a blanket underneath your feet to relieve some of that pressure. 

  • If sitting on your heels causes discomfort, try placing a bolster, pillow, or rolled-up blanket underneath your thighs. 

Counter Poses for Ankle Stretch