Fun Pose Friday: Twisted Roots

Eleonora in Twisted Roots pose

Make like a tree and leave...immediately to go to do this feel-good supine pose, Twisted Roots. It’s a fun twist on Eagle Pose and the Reclined Twist, making it the perfect pose to work in at the end of a hip-opening yoga class.

Also known as Reclined Twist with Eagle Legs and Eagle Leg Twist, Twisted Roots (Supta Parivrtta Garudasana) gives you all of the chest-opening, spine-releasing benefits of the regular twist with an added deepening in the lower back and hips. Learn how to do the Twisted Roots yoga pose with Alo Moves instructor Eleonora Zampatti:

How to do Twisted Roots Pose

  1. Hug your knees into your chest and cross your right leg over your left. If you can, hook your right foot behind your left leg.

  2. Drop your knees over to the left and relax your legs toward the ground. 

  3. Open your arms out to a cactus shape and soften your shoulders down to the mat.

  4. Turn your head to the right and gaze over your shoulder. Stay here for a few deep breaths, or make it “yin-style” by staying here for a few minutes.

  5. Use your core to draw back to center, unwind your legs, and repeat on the other side.

Twisted Roots Pose Benefits

  • Releases tension in the spine, lower back, and neck

  • Stretches oblique, glutes, hips, and IT band

  • Opens your chest 

  • Massages digestive organs

Want to practice yoga with Eleonora Zampatti? Check out her Beyond Flexibility series on Alo Moves with a free 14-day trial.