Fun Pose Friday: Sky Archer

Jonah Kest in Sky Archer Pose

Build a strong foundation, then shoot for the stars. Sky Archer (also called Reverse Triangle, or Viparita Trikonasana) combines a sturdy Triangle Pose stance with a rejuvenating side-body stretch to release tension without losing any heat and balance out some forward bends.

This pose can be a fun way to mix things up in your Warrior-to-Triangle transitions: Try it between Extended Side Angle and Triangle or Warrior II and Triangle as a nice stretch before Wide-Legged Forward Fold, or to build up some momentum on your way to Half Moon. It can fit into any standing stretch sequence, too — just step straight back from Samasthiti.

Learn how to do Sky Archer with Alo Moves yoga instructor Jonah Kest:


  1. Start with your feet in Warrior stance: right knee bent in front of you with right foot facing forward, left foot planted behind you and close to parallel with the back of your mat.

  2. Catch your right wrist with your left hand.

  3. Use your left hand to pull your right wrist toward the back of the mat and straighten your front leg — lean into it for a great side-body stretch.

  4. Repeat on the other side wherever it makes sense in your sequence.


  • Stretches your lats, obliques, and other side-body muscle groups

  • Builds stability and balance

  • Balances forward bends

Benefits of Modified Visvamitrasana

  • Increases balance and coordination

  • Builds core and leg strength

  • Opens the side body

  • Builds strength and flexibility for full Visvamitrasana

Find more ways to heat up your vinyasa flow with Jonah Kest’s Energy and Endurance yoga class. Try this class and more for free with a 14-day trial to Alo Moves.


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