Free 30-Minute Barre Workout for Beginners with Emily Sferra

Emily Sferra in a Tabletop Leg Lift

If you’re a beginner to barre, you’ll soon learn that this low-impact, total-body workout will build your physical strength, give you better posture and balance, and improve your flexibility and coordination. We’re excited to share a free beginner barre class from Alo Moves instructor Emily Sferra with all of the barre exercises detailed below. To get started, you’ll need a stool or stable surface, a blanket, a yoga block, and a light set of weights (about 2 lbs. each) — or feel free to substitute these props with common household items

Emily Sferra doing Reverse Lunge

reverse lunge
10 reps

  1. Stand at the top of your mat and step your right leg behind you into a lunge. 

  2. Bring your right leg back to center, then step your left leg behind you.

  3. Continue switching legs back and forth for 10 reps on each side.

Emily Sferra doing Tabletop Leg Pulses

tabletop leg pulses
10 reps

  1. Start on all fours in the center of your mat.

  2. Extend your right leg out behind you. 

  3. Pulse your right leg up and down for 10 counts and switch sides.

Emily Sferra doing Side Lying Leg Lifts

side lying leg lifts
20 reps

  1. Grab the blanket and place it under your left hip as you lay on your left side, propped up on your left forearm.

  2. Stack your hips and shoulders, and extend your right leg, keeping your toes pointed.

  3. Pump your leg up and down slightly, aiming to get your pinky toe as high as your right hip.

  4. After 20 reps, switch sides.

Emily Sferra doing Tabletop Bend Press

tabletop bend press
30 reps

  1. Come onto your hands and knees, bringing your knees onto the blanket and your palms under your shoulders.

  2. Extend your right leg out behind you, flex your foot and slightly bend your leg, then press it back out.

  3. Make sure to square your hips to the floor.

  4. Do 30 reps and switch sides.

Emily Sferra doing Inner Thigh Squeeze with Block

inner thigh squeeze with block
20 reps

  1. Place a block between your inner knees, ensuring it doesn’t go between your knees, and lie down on your mat.

  2. Place your feet a little closer together than hips-width. For an extra challenge, you can have your feet touching.

  3. Lift your hips about one fist-width from the floor and relax your shoulders.

  4. Squeeze the block with your inner thighs, release, and squeeze again for 20 reps.

Emily Sferra doing Plie

15 reps

  1. Grab a stool or use a stable surface — even a wall will work for this. 

  2. Lightly brace yourself on the surface with your fingertips. Bring your heels together and toes apart, creating a “V” shape with your feet.

  3. Rise up off your heels, bringing them back so they’re touching again.

  4. Bend your knees to a depth that allows your legs to form a diamond shape.

  5. Keeping your knees bent, slowly and steadily lower yourself and rise up for 15 reps.

Emily Sferra doing Plie Squat

Plié Squat
15 reps

  1. Face the long edge of your mat and get into a wide stance with your feet out at a 45-degree angle.

  2. Place your hands on your hips, bend your knees and roll your shoulders back.

  3. Squat up and down without straightening your legs, making sure your knees are stacked over your ankles.

Emily Sferra doing Goal Post Press

goal post press
15 reps

  1. Grab your pair of weights and stand at the center of your mat with your knees slightly bent and your elbows at 90-degrees.

  2. Push your arms up over your head and lower them back down to the 90-degree angle. 

  3. Repeat for 15 reps.

Emily Sferra doing Bicep Pulse

bicep pulse
20 reps

  1. From a standing position, bring your arms down to your sides with palms facing up, weights in hand. 

  2. Curl your arms up with your biceps hugging your ribs and elbows directly at your side.  Activate your biceps, making sure your elbows don’t slide back.

  3. Repeat for 20 reps.

Emily Sferra doing Tricep Dips

tricep dips
10 reps

  1. Stay in the same standing position and join both weights up overhead. Bend your elbows behind your head at 90-degrees.

  2. Relax your shoulders, bend your knees, take a slight pitch forward and extend your forearms up, then bend them again.

  3. Repeat for 10 reps.

Emily Sferra doing Supine Leg Press

supine leg press
10 reps

  1. Lie on your back with both of your knees bent in a 90-degree position and your hands under your lower back and glutes for support.

  2. Extend your legs out straight and bring them back in for 10 reps.

Emily Sferra doing 90-degree Crunch

90 degree crunch
10 reps

  1. Stay lying in the same position on your mat with your knees bent and tuck your hands behind your head with your elbows wide.

  2. Press your chest toward the ceiling as you get into an abdominal crunch and release.

  3. Repeat for 10 reps.

Check out more of Emily Sferra's beginner barre workouts on Alo Moves. Start today with a free 14-day trial.