8 Pilates Ball Exercises to Add an Extra Sweat to Your Workout


Whether you’re newer to mat Pilates and are thinking of branching out with some equipment or you’re a pro who wants that extra bit of burn, a Pilates ball can be an easy yet effective tool for your workouts.

What Is a Pilates Ball?

A Pilates ball is a small inflatable ball, usually 9 inches in diameter, that helps with core stability and injury prevention as you perform exercises in Pilates. Some Pilates exercises are designed with the ball in mind to add an extra challenge.

Pilates balls are easy to transport because you can blow them up and deflate as needed, and they’re inexpensive, typically costing anywhere from $10 to $30. Doing Pilates ball exercises will improve your balance and help you focus on your form and control so you don’t drop the ball in the middle of your workout — although if you do drop it, no big deal! You can always pick it back up, take a breather, and try again. Your body will work hard to stabilize itself in certain exercises, and because of this, it activates your core as well.  

Alo Moves Pilates instructor Bianca Melas breaks down 8 ways to use a Pilates ball in her class 30-Minute Body Fire with Ball. Keep scrolling below to follow her exercises and learn more about how to incorporate a Pilates ball in your fitness routine.  


1. Tabletop Pulses

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent, use your left hand to place the Pilates ball on your right thigh, and bring your right hand behind your head.  

  • Lift your right leg up into a Tabletop position at a 90-degree angle and connect your right elbow to the ball. 

  • Lift your left leg into a tabletop position, connecting your leg with the ball.  

  • Put your left arm behind your head and connect your elbow to the ball.  

  • Once both legs and both elbows are holding the ball in place, pulse your upper body in and out with small crunches, ensuring your back is flat on the ground.  


Squeeze your belly button into your spine
to engage your core the whole time.


2. Ball Bicycle Crunches

  • Starting in the above in Tabletop position on your back with elbows and knees connected to the ball, keep your left elbow and right knee connected to the ball you rotate your upper body to the right and straighten your left leg at the same time. 

  • Bring it back to center and rotate the other way, keeping the ball between your right elbow and left knee while straightening your right leg.  

  • Keep alternating and try not to drop the ball.  


3. Crunch Extensions with Ball

  • Lie flat on your back with your left hand behind your head, your right arm extended behind you with the ball in hand, your left leg straight, and your right leg bent.  

  • Crunch up and reach the ball to the outside of your left leg as you bend your left knee into your chest. 

  • Lengthen your left leg back out as you reach the ball back to the starting position. Repeat the motion on the same side before switching to the other.  


Rotate through your upper body and make sure your hips
stay stable on the mat — you’re focusing on the opposite
rib to opposite hip connection.


4. Figure Eights

Figure Eights Exercise with Pilates Ball
  • Lie flat on your mat with one leg straight up to the sky and the other leg straight and hovering above the floor.  

  • Crunch up, then take the ball in one hand and weave it between your lifted leg, passing the ball to the other hand and switching your leg lifts in a scissor motion. As you alternate leg lifts, weave the ball in a figure 8 shape around your legs. 

  • Keep your shoulders lifted the whole time, and rotate your upper body as you bring the ball between your legs.  


5. Glute Bridges with Ball

Glute Bridges Exercise with Pilates Ball
  • Lie flat on your mat with your knees bent, both feet flat on the mat, and the ball under your right knee. 

  • Lift your hips into Bridge Pose while keeping the ball squeezed under your right knee.  

  • Return back to the ground, repeat for 10-15 reps, and switch sides.  


Stay elevated in a bridge and pulse your hips up and
down in small motions for an extra burn.


6. Glute Bridge Leg Lift

  • Lie flat on your mat with your knees bent, both feet flat on the mat, and the ball squeezed behind your right knee. 

  • Lift your hips off the ground so that your hips are elevated.  

  • At the same time, lift your right leg up while still squeezing the ball so your leg is at a 90-degree angle.  

  • Tap your right toe back down then lower your hips down on the mat.  

  • Repeat the motions for 10-15 reps, then switch to the left leg.  


7. Donkey Kicks with Ball

  • Get into a Tabletop position on all fours with your arms stacked over your shoulders and the Pilates ball squeezed behind your left knee.  

  • Lift your left leg up at a 90-degree angle into a Donkey Kick.  

  • Lower your knee back down to the mat and repeat the motion for 10-15 reps.  

  • Switch to the other leg.  


Don’t arch your back when your leg lifts up — keep it flat
to ensure you’re focusing on activating your glutes
and maintaining your form.


8. Fire Hydrants with Ball

  • Get into a Tabletop position and squeeze the ball behind your left knee. Keeping your left arm straight, come down onto your right elbow and bring it parallel to the front edge of the mat.  

  • Lift your left knee out to the side for a Fire Hydrant while squeezing the ball.  

  • Return your knee to the ground and repeat the movement for 10-15 reps.  

  • Do a double pulse at the top for more of a burn.  

  • Switch to the other leg.  


Explore our extensive library of Pilates workouts on Alo Moves, including mat Pilates and on a Reformer machine, by starting your free 14-day trial today.