Fun Pose Friday: Modified Wild Thing

Kayla Nielsen practicing Modified Wild Thing

Craving the heart-opening sensation of Wild Thing but lacking the energy for the full expression? No worries — Modified Wild Thing is here to save the day.

This Wild Thing variation (also known as Half Wild Thing) is great for days when you want to put less pressure on your wrists or you don’t want as deep of a backbend. It’s also a fun transition from Janu Sirsasana

Before practicing this pose, make sure your wrists are warmed up and take a few gentle heart and hip flexor openers like Forward Fold with a shoulder stretch, Baby Cobra Pose, and Bridge Pose.

Learn how to do Modified Wild Thing with Alo Moves yoga instructor Kayla Nielsen.

How to Do Modified Wild Thing

  1. Begin in a Janu Sirsasana position sitting upright with your right leg out straight and your left leg bent, pressing the sole of your left foot into your inner right thigh. 

  2. Place your left hand back behind you on the mat and lift your hips and chest up. 

  3. Reach your right hand overhead and feel the front side of your body opening and expanding.

Want to put it into practice? Flow into Modified Wild Thing with Kayla Nielsen’s One Leg Wheel Flow yoga class from her Deepen Your Backbends series. Try this class and more for free with a 14-day trial to Alo Moves.