Calling All Lazy Yogis: This Short Yoga Routine Can Be Done In Bed

Phyllicia Bonanno yoga sequence

You snooze, you win. Rise and shine with this easy yoga practice you can do from the comfort of your own bed.


Start by lying down in bed. Take a few slow, deep inhales and exhales. Feel your breath start to circulate energy throughout your body.


Phyllicia Bonanno Supine Twist

Hug one knee into your chest, then guide that leg across your body into a twist. Feel your hips start to stack. To deepen, look out over the opposite shoulder. Repeat on other side.


Come to all fours in a Tabletop position. Inhale to drop your belly and lift your gaze. Exhale to tuck your chin and round your spine, pressing into the bed. Repeat as many times as you like.


From Tabletop, sink your hips back to your heels. Separate your knees out wide and bring your feet to touch. Stretch your arms forward and relax your chest and forehead down.


Phyllicia Bonanno pigeon pose

Rise up to a seat and come back to Tabletop. Bring your right knee behind your right wrist, and your right foot toward your left wrist. Your shin can be perpendicular to the front of your space, or you can bring your right foot in toward your groin. Stretch your left leg back behind you and settle your hips down. Try to keep the weight even between your hips — if one hip is floating higher, place a pillow underneath. Keep your torso upright, or fold your chest forward. Switch sides, then rest in child’s pose.


Phyllicia Bonanno fish pose

From child’s pose, sit upright and grab a pillow or rolled-up blanket. Lie down on the bed with the pillow or blanket running lengthwise down your back and under your head for support. Your knees can stay bent, or you can stretch your legs out long on the bed. Let your arms rest by your side or out in a T-shape. When you’re finished, remove the prop and lie down flat, soaking in the calming energy. This day is all yours.

Want more chill yoga classes? Check out our Lazy Sunday yoga playlist on Alo Moves.