7 Relaxing Poses to Prime Your Body for Sleep

Sleep for some is easier said than done. Between stressors from work and family life to our world being turned on its head due to the pandemic, it may have been a while since you last had quality sleep. Practicing yoga isn’t just something that sounds like a nice idea either — it’s actually been studied for its impact on sleep on older adults with insomnia and has been proven to help achieve better sleep quality and duration. Pull out your yoga mat, slip into something cozy, and explore our picks for the most relaxing poses. They’ll melt away the day, connect you to your breath, and prime your body for one of its most important functions: sleep.


Briohny Smyth in Corpse Pose

When you think of the most relaxing yoga poses, one of the first to pop in your head is most likely Corpse Pose (Savasana). Lying on your back with your arms relaxed at your side, you’re able to melt into the mat and connect with your breath as you disconnect from the world around you. Practice this pose with a yoga blanket on top of you for an extra dose of comfort.

Modified Child’s Pose

Woman in Modified Child's Pose

This restorative yoga pose relaxes tension in the hips and thighs and relieves stiffness in the back and neck, but it can be uncomfortable for some for different reasons. Reap the benefits of this pose by modifying it to fit your needs. If you tend to get sore ankles in Child’s Pose, place a rolled-up towel or blanket under your feet. If your hips are off the floor, place a cushion under your seat. And if you want to truly let go, place a bolster between your legs and get into a Wide-Knee Child’s Pose.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose

Kayla Nielsen in Reclining Bound Angle Pose

This feel-good hip-and-chest opener is perfect for slowing down after a long day. It lowers your blood pressure, decreases your heart rate, and feels especially good modified by using a bolster to lie on, allowing your body to fully relax into the pose.

Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose

Jonah Kest in Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose

This gentle inversion feels great to nearly everyone but is especially ideal for those who are on their feet all day. As you can imagine, this pose helps with refreshing your blood circulation but also can relieve lower back pain, soothe swollen legs and or feet, and stretch your hamstrings.

Happy Baby Pose

People in Happy Baby Pose

If you’re looking for a calming pose that’s bound to lift your spirits, you can’t go wrong with Happy Baby. It will also open up your inner thighs, hips, and groin, lower your heart rate, and feel pretty magical on your back and spine, like a massage.

Seated Forward Bend

Eleonora Zampatti in Seated Forward Bend

A standard Seated Forward Bend is great for releasing tension in your entire back, stretching your spine, hamstrings, and shoulders, and calming your brain — which is essential before bedtime. Place a bolster or a firm pillow on your lap for an extra-cozy twist on this soothing pose.

Supine Twist

Woman in Supine Twist

Twists are great for improving circulation, and the Supine Twist in particular also has the added benefits of releasing tension from your lower back, opening your shoulders, and improving digestion. Practice a few of these before you sleep and you’ll hit the hay feeling lighter, more limber, and hopefully, ultra-relaxed.

Looking for a class specifically designed to get you ready for sleep? Try Nighttime Relaxation Flow by Calvin Corzine with a free 14-day trial to Alo Moves.


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