5 Feel-Good Stretches for Tight Quads and Hip Flexors

With all the sitting we do for work, school, or even in our free time, it’s no wonder many of us have aches and pains as a result. Tight hips and quads, lower back pain, tension in your neck and shoulders, and more can all be recurring symptoms if we don’t take the time to move our bodies and stretch them. Remedy those sore muscles with these five stretches designed to open your hips, stretch your quads and counteract all that time spent hunched over a desk or lounging on your couch.

Low Lunge with Quad Stretch

Caley Alyssa in a low lunge with a quad stretch
  1. From Tabletop Pose, step your right foot forward into a low lunge. You’ll line up your right knee over your right ankle.

  2. Lean forward into a deep stretch and lift your left foot off the floor, reaching around and holding your left ankle with either your left or right hand (right hand will give you more of a twist).

  3. Slowly draw in your left foot towards your backside to feel the stretch in your quad.

Half Frog Pose

Naya Rappaport in half frog pose
  1. Start by lying on your stomach on your mat. 

  2. Support your upper body on your elbows, placing them under your shoulders and extending your arms forward. Draw your shoulders back and lift your chest. 

  3. Bend one leg and draw your heel back toward your glutes. With your same-side hand, reach back and grab your toes. If your flexibility allows, pull your heel inwards, rotate your fingers forward, and point your elbow straight up to the sky. If this pose feels like too much, try a Standing Quad Stretch: With one hand on a wall, bend the opposite leg heel into your glutes and grab hold of your foot with your same-side hand.

See the Half Frog Pose tutorial on Alo Moves.

Bow Pose

Victoria Batha in Bow Pose
  1. Start by lying on your stomach and extending your legs behind you.

  2. Bring your forehead down to your mat with your hands next to your hips.

  3. Bend your knees and reach back with your hands to grab the outsides of your ankles, squeezing your inner thighs together and pressing your shins back to lift your shoulders up. You can also use a strap around your legs to assist you here.

  4. Allowing your arms to straighten, use the power of your legs to press back even more and now lift your knees off the ground, opening your shoulders and gazing forward. If this pose feels like too much, try Bridge Pose: Lying on your back, bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor. Press your hands down into the floor and lift your hips high up to the sky, keeping your thighs engaged and hip-distance apart.

See the Bow Pose Breakdown here.

King Pigeon Pose

Kayla Nielsen in King Pigeon pose
  1. Starting in Pigeon Prep Pose, you’ll square your hips on your mat and squeeze your inner thighs together.

  2. Bend your back leg, then open toward your back foot and reach the same-side hand back, grabbing your foot and pulling it in toward your body. You can also use a strap or belt to assist you with this.

  3. Make sure your elbow is facing down, then turn to face the front of the mat.

  4. Lift your elbow up and overhead. If you can balance, reach your other arm up, bend at the elbow, and grab your foot.

  5. Lift your belly and chest, kick your foot back, and look up to complete the pose.

Watch the King Pigeon Pose tutorial here.

Camel Pose

Jonah Kest in Camel Pose
  1. Start in a kneeling position with your knees hip-distance apart and toes tucked. Squeeze your inner thighs together. 

  2. Bring your hands to your lower back with fingers facing up or down.

  3. Lift your chest, move your hips forward over your knees, and tuck your tailbone under.

  4. Draw your shoulder blades back and bring your gaze slightly up.

See the Camel Pose Breakdown here.

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